G.Sathish kumar

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Recent posts by G.Sathish kumar

I plan to use the book J2EE Web Services: XML SOAP WSDL UDDI WS-I JAX-RPC JAXR SAAJ JAXP by Richard Monson-Haefel.

I see same book title and author but book start page image is different. Please check in: "http://www.flipkart.com/j2ee-web-services-8177589318/p/itmdyugudf5swkkx?pid=9788177589313&ref=8ff7c069-ac03-4654-b60c-759539c7fc7b". This book was published at 2004 and this was Indian version as i can purchase it for Rs. 550. I think there is no Indian version is available for J2EE Web Services: XML SOAP WSDL UDDI WS-I JAX-RPC JAXR SAAJ JAXP by Richard Monson-Haefel (Paperback - Oct 30, 2003), it cost around Rs. 2000.

Shall we use the Indian version book or will the content is different between these books? Please suggest me.

Mikalai Zaikin wrote:Yes, the book is still good, just skip the chapters for the topics which are not on the exam (i.e. UDDI, JAXR, JAX-RPC)

I plan to use the book J2EE Web Services: XML SOAP WSDL UDDI WS-I JAX-RPC JAXR SAAJ JAXP by Richard Monson-Haefel.

I see same book title and author but book start page image is different. Please check in: "http://www.flipkart.com/j2ee-web-services-8177589318/p/itmdyugudf5swkkx?pid=9788177589313&ref=8ff7c069-ac03-4654-b60c-759539c7fc7b". This book was published at 2004 and this was Indian version as i can purchase it for Rs. 550. I think there is no Indian version is available for J2EE Web Services: XML SOAP WSDL UDDI WS-I JAX-RPC JAXR SAAJ JAXP by Richard Monson-Haefel (Paperback - Oct 30, 2003), it cost around Rs. 2000.

Shall we use the Indian version book or will the content is different between these books? Please suggest me.
As you mentioned two class loaders from two web apps. But, i need to restrict the classes between UI package to Service Package with in same JVM. i meant, there will be a class loader for each layer package and i need to restrict the UI layer package class access with service layer package class. please share me some example to implement this?
13 years ago

In our web application, we are having 3 layers (Ex: UI (java only used for rendering) with Controller, Service and DAO) and each layer having difference package structure. we planned to take the packages and classes from each layers into each jar file and distribute into different servers.

But, as of now we are developing with single JDK for all layers and all classes loaded in single JVM only. My need and question is: we need a No Class Definition found exception while UI layer class is constructed in service layer, we should throw No class definition found run time exception.

I feel it is possible by using Class Loders but can any one please help me to understand with some examples.

Sathish kumar
13 years ago

Manish Singh wrote:You need to learn about the tomcat class loaders.

The classes you want to use across the web applications should be packaged in a jar and put in the shared folder of tomcat.

thanks and your point. my question, it is not good thing to use static variable in application because it is not secure one and also if we use more static variable then the system performance also go down. i feel the we should not use static variable more is that correct?
14 years ago

Manish Singh wrote:what do you mean by 3 application

Are they web application.

Anyways answer to your question is yes

Yes, 3 are web application only.

I searched in the google and i could not get the reason of it so can you please let me know because such a case the static variable accessable between application then it is not secure?

14 years ago

I have 3 application running in tomcat server shares the same jvm and i have used static key word with public access on app1 and i try to use that in app2, will it be posible to access it?

Note: basically once the the static varible loadded in to jvm which shared across between application it should be accessable if not please let me know the reason.
14 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:

G.Sathish kumar wrote: . . . if hashcode value same then equals should return true . . .

No, that is incorrect. If equals returns true then the hashCode method returns the same result, but not vice versa.

I have mentioned that statement in earlier of this thread and i accpted that it is wrong because of typing mistake.
14 years ago

Thanks for your points.
i accept, i am wrong in my one point: i1.equals(i2) obviously return true because if hashcode value same then equals should return true --i feel i have done some typing mistake

but another point
Integer i1 = new Integer(1);
Integer i2 = new Integer(1);

System.out.println("\n first"+(i1==i2)); output is false --here only the reference variable is being checked so when we use new Integer(); it will create difference references but rest of theories(if same value then only one object in memory) about wrapper classes are same.

System.out.println("\n second"+(i1.hashCode()==i2.hashCode()));output is true

Jesper Young, you mentioned my statement (when we use new Integer for the same value it will not create new object because it is wrapper class, ...) is wrong but as per the above example i explained it correct only so i am wrong please explain with yours one example.
14 years ago

Rob Prime wrote:new Integer(xxx) will always create a new object, so it will never be equal (==) to any other object.
Although Integer.valueOf(int) does use a pool, Integer.valueOf(String) (the one you are using) will also create new objects each time.

I feel it the above statement is wrong.

when we use new Integer for the same value it will not create new object because it is wrapper class, when check with hasCode() for two object we can get know (return same value) but when we use == operator it will return false because == operator check the reference value.

Integer i1 = new Integer(1);
Integer i2 = new Integer(1);

i1==i2 return false
i1.hasCode()==i2.hasCode() return true
i1.equals(i2) obviously return true because if hashcode value same then equals should return true.

rule is
if equals method return true then hascode of two objects same
if hascode is not same then equals method return false
either senorios are vary
14 years ago

i need to display image in html page which there in system path i mean outside of application path

calling file : /tomcat/webapps/student/jsp/first.jsp

image placed in : /images/img.gif so image is not there in tomcat folder itself

i used html is not working but same when i try with windows is working so any one please help me ASAP because i need to close the issue.
14 years ago

I have a requirement to get all weeks in month and start, end date of each week

my only input is year

input - year -2009

output i required
month - january

week1 start date end date
week2 start date end date
week3 start date end date
week4 start date end date
week5 start date end date

month - feburary

week1 start date end date
week2 start date end date
week3 start date end date
week4 start date end date

please help me to write the logic?

asap i need to finish this so please help me?
14 years ago

Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:

Sanjay Kumar Patel wrote:
Doing some digging tells me that Struts 2.1.8 has a nice jQuery plugin (http://code.google.com/p/struts2-jquery/), whereas I could not see AJAX support in Spring MVC. Also, I do not know whether Spring MVC supports convention over configuration to the extent the convention plugin of Struts 2.1.8.


Spring Web MVC supports CoC.

Regarding JavaScript, Spring JavaScript is an abstraction over Dojo (at least for now).

Spring JavaScript doesn't tie to Spring Web MVC or Spring Web Flow, we can use Spring JavaScript in any environments.

Nevertheless, I don't like Spring JavaScript much because I don't like Dojo's documentation.

then i feel it is better to use spring because spring itself we complete all so why to use different framework and integrate it and for different framework integration there should be some extra memory expense also.
14 years ago

Sanjay Kumar Patel wrote:Sorry for opening an old thread but I have some quite related questions. I am learning struts 2.1.8 and pondering over whether to use Spring MVC or Struts 2.1.8 for a web application. My specific question is - "Where does Struts 2.1.8 win from Spring MVC?" The answer could be something like "it has a jQuery Plugin, it has convention over configuration, it has good books and help material, etc." Curious to know all that could make Struts 2.1.8 win. If the list is not convincing, why would one choose Struts 2.1 over Spring MVC?


Spring MVC have what ever the option available in struts2 even more.
i feel spring mvc is good to use because spring is integration framework so you can you dependency injection spring jdbc wrapper orm aop
as single framework help your all requirement instead struts2 is only mvc framework support.

14 years ago

I have a situation to fetch 2 lakh record to java list object and iterate for some statistic calculation.
while doing i got out of memory problem so can any one please help me out to solve.

ASAP please.
14 years ago