UdayK Kumar

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since Aug 05, 2009
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Recent posts by UdayK Kumar


From UI thread I am calling background thread (painless thread). I need to call another thread from the existing thread NOT from UI thread.

Please find the scenario.

I have called Webservice from getting channels information. In the channel information contains channel name and channelLogoURL is provided.

So i have called webservice as a painless thread from the UI thread. i am displaying the channel name. Now I want to call another thread for retriving channellogo based on the given URL for every channel.

If we retrieve the channel name and logo, it is giving performance problem. so what i did is, for the channel name i am calling painless thread. i want to call another thread for channel logo.

Please help me.


12 years ago

Could you please suggest or give me example for the below requirement. I have tried a lot. but I m missing something.

I have a delete.jsp page. In that jsp page, I can able to show the data as pagination using displaytag. like <display:table...>. I have added one column for check box. In the pagination I want to delete the rows which are checked.

Now my query is how to send the (array of ) checked value(s) to action class. Posting form values in diffenent pages which are checked.


12 years ago


I have one text box and one search button in my activity, below that one table layout. So when I call the webservice first time, it is woring fine and showing the results on UI perfectly.

But the problem is when I call second time, I am getting the error like,

"window already focused ignoring focus gain of com.android.internal.view.iinputmethodclient"

Web service is calling using thread. So how to solve the above problem. Please suggest me.

12 years ago

can anyone help me to test the android 3.1 version application on the real device.

Can you give me mobile list for the android application testing.

Can I test on the mobile which supoort android 2.X versions?

12 years ago


Can anyone help me to understand the below scenario.

My BG thread process the get results the ArrayList. The same values should send to UI(Main) thread. How to possible using Android Handler.

Means Sending ArrayList values from BG thread to UI thread.

12 years ago


Can you please suggest me on the below scenario.

How to call background thread for calling webservice. I have used Handler class for the same. But the problem is , my UI contains table layout which is created dynamically.

The no.of rows contains buttons will decide when we call webservice. How to acheive the below scenario.

12 years ago


I have a 4 buttons for footer. How to write common code for these buttons for all activities.

12 years ago

I have several questions. Can anyone help me.

1) How to do pagination in android. Actually I want to show 1000 rows in a view. Insted putting into scrollbar, Can I show 10 rows per page and next.. next move to 10 pages. how to achive this problem?

2) How to add custom titlebar which contain label and button for TABHOST.

3) I have a 4 buttons for footer. How to write common code for these buttons for all activities.

Thanks for your help.
12 years ago


Is Java Array Synchronized??? Can anyone help me on the same.

13 years ago

Matthew Brown wrote:They're too conceptually different. Sets and Lists are collections of single objects. A Map is a collection of pairs of objects. For instance, Collection has an add method taking a single argument. That doesn't make sense for a Map.

I too agree, but, let us imagine, List contains objects which are identified by indices. don't we think as Key -pair for the list. In the same way, every object in the Set is identified by some key.. so can't we think as key-value pair.

This is my small understanding. Please help me on this elaborately...

13 years ago

Maneesh Godbole wrote:Look for a file called src.zip in your Java home. It contains the source code.

Thanks for your reply. Actually my doubt is , Suppose, when we are executing one method on Thread class, like fine current thread, i m not able to fine the implementation code the for that method.. please have look on the methods defined in Thread.class @src.zip file as below,

* Returns a reference to the currently executing thread object.
* @return the currently executing thread.
public static native Thread currentThread();

* Causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause
* and allow other threads to execute.
public static native void yield();

I know these are native methods, so don't we have code for these?


13 years ago

Set & List interface extend Collection, so Why doesn't Map interface extend Collection?

I m not able to understand Sun FAQ on this topic, Can any one please explain me, in detail.

13 years ago

1) Can you please explain me what is the use of rt.jar file in java.

2) When I open any of the class file from rt.jar, which give method signatures only.. no method had implemented code? What is the reason behind this *.class file was designed like in that way.

suppose, If I write Math.abs(123) in my java source file, where exactly we can find the code for abs function.

please elabrate briefly?

13 years ago

I have one query like,

#1) what happen If (Myclass Extends SuperClass implements java.io.serializable),
a) what effect will be happen for the variables of SuperClass?
2) Will the variables of superClass serialized??? or Not? Why?

Class SuperClass{


Class BaseClass extends SuperClass implements java.io.serializable {


#2) Class SuperClass implements java.io.serializable{


Class BaseClass extends SuperClass{


What happen BaseClass variable? Will they serialized?

My intension to know is,

1) what happen base class, if super class is serialized
2) if serialized class extends other class. Will the otehrclass serialized?


13 years ago

Can you please let me know...

What is the diff between System.Exit(0) or System.Exit(1) or System.Exit(Any Number) in Java?

14 years ago