kashwini Kulkarni

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since Aug 07, 2009
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Recent posts by kashwini Kulkarni

Hello ,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Thanks in Advance
Hello All,

I am new to the version control system.Currently i have Eclipse with svn plugin. I tried to checkout a project in eclipse(which was not originally created in eclipse) and i can see errors in some files (only after checking out.original file does not has errors)
I just have a question is there any specific project structure which eclipse supports ?

Thanks in Advance

Can you please elaborate on the same or suggest me a link to some example (so that I can develop my web service accordingly) ?

Thank you
12 years ago
Hello William,

Thanks a lot for your reply.Now I can go further with what you suggested.

Thank you
12 years ago
Hello All,

I want to know what is the procedure to make hibernate and web services work together.I am using netbeans IDE with Glassfish.I am not getting where to put my hibernate.cfg.xml and .hbm files so that my web service can access them.I tried a lot of search but found nothing complete.Any help in this direction is appreciated.

Thanks in Advance
12 years ago

I have installed Glassfish v3 and trying to open Admin console ,which shows " Admin Loaded" and after refreshing shows blank page.
I searched the net and found some solutions.I tried many of them.

Disabled firewall.
Upgraded JDK.

but to no use.

My log file says

' org.apache.struts.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl ' is missing a runtime dependency : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError : javax/faces/event/ActionListener

I am not getting does this means exactly , I am searching the net but found nothing in this direction.
Can anyone please help me out.

Thanks in Advance

I am new to glassfish and have just installed it with eclipse.
My question is how to execute servlet application in eclipse with glassfish ?

Thanks in Advance

Sorry about a mistake.

My list was : -
1) TreeModel
2) TreeSelectionModel
3) TreeModelListener

Thanks in Advance
12 years ago

I want to study Tree and Table models in depth.Also I am not able understand them completely.
For e.g.
1) TreeModel
2) TreeSelectionModel
3) TreeEvent Listner

I tried to search them on the net and also in some books but nothing explains them in detail with example.
Can anyone please suggest me a site regarding the same.

Thanks In Advance
12 years ago

My application worked and I was able to test mails sent from my application.
If anyone needs to know the solution I can make it available .

Thanks in Advance
12 years ago

I am developing a small application which will send mails using eclipse.
Can anyone please let me know which can be best mail server suited to eclipse to test my mail application?
I have read about James apache and JES Plugin for eclipse.
Any help in this direction will be useful.

Thanks in Advance
12 years ago

I am trying to implement validator framework with my struts applications.

I have the two files : -


under web-inf directory
but i'm getting the following error

ValidatorResources not found in application scope under key "org.apache.commons.validator.VALIDATOR_RESOURCES"

I searched the net regarding this error but no luck.
Can anyone tell me what is it that am i missing?
I am using struts 1.

Thanks in Advance
12 years ago

This is regarding JSP Implicit Objects.
I am aware (and also used) some of the JSP implicit objects, but i need a detailed example for some of the implicit objects : -


I searched the net , i am getting explanation and examples but not in detail.Can anyone suggest me a site with detail examples of these objects.

Thanks in Advance
12 years ago
Hello ,

I have a very basic question regarding servlet , (which keeps me confusing)

What is the difference between Servlet and Servlet Instance?

I surfed the internet and found the following : -

" The init() method is called once per servlet instance. "

" There are no concurrency issues during servlet initialization, because the server calls the init method once, when it loads the servlet. "

which appear confusing to me.

Can anyone please explain me or let me know some site that has in-depth explanation about servlet life cycle?

Thanks in Advance

13 years ago

I am searching a website having servlet / JSP questions for experienced programmers.
Can anyone please let me know about such a site?

Thanks in Advance
13 years ago