Keith Lockey

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since Oct 05, 2001
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Recent posts by Keith Lockey

I am getting this error with JRun. Any body have any ideas?

19 years ago
I did the F3, that is what i wanted to do. Sorry, I couldn't describe the functionality.
I have been using Idea at work for the last several months and I find the navigation in Idea to be amazing. Being able to click on a class on a page and have access to it is awesome! Is there any plugin for eclipse that will give similiar functionality?
[ December 15, 2004: Message edited by: Keith Lockey ]

Autoboxing/unboxing change the interplay between primitive types and objects by providing automatic wrapping and unwrapping of primitive values. This occurs behind the scenes. Although easy to use, and a great new feature in my opinion, it also introduces potential side effects

Does this mean you don't have to use classes like Integer to convert a primitive int to a long through the method Integer.longValue()? How would you do this with Java v5.0?
20 years ago
I am trying to war up contents and the relative path to the contents, I would hope would exclude the name of the war file folder. How do I do this?
20 years ago
I am using the fileset in side of a war target. I want to have the jsp folder show up in the war, but this way it will just put the jsp pages into no directory within the war. Do I use zipfileset for this or can I still use fileset.

20 years ago
I have the Mughal book "Programmers Guide to Java Certification", I think it was around for jdk 1.3. What differences on the exam should I expect from jdk 1.3 to 1.4.?
I am trying to debug some code that is not mine. In the servlet, doPost method, the code reads BufferedReader reader = request.getReader(). If I load it from a form, i get an error:
"Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource 'http://localhost:8080/paws/FeedXsarDataToCapstoneServ'. Line 1, Position 1"

I don't want the url in the top level of the document for a post, how do i do this?
[ February 19, 2004: Message edited by: Keith Lockey ]
20 years ago
We are are running JBuilder X with Tomcat 4. In our project we are using castor.jar to parse and rewrite xml files. We have also implemented connection pooling in are server.xml file for JBuilder. Then when we migrate it over to the test server tomcat 4, IT DOESN'T work. We have made sure the configurations are the same.
Question: How does JBuilder handle the Tomcat rather than the Tomcat standalone?
20 years ago
I made a simple tag to format dates and tried to incorporate this tag inside of a <html:text > tag. It does not render my custom jstl tag?
Is there a solution to this?
20 years ago
I think the java script onLoad attribute is making it load additionally to the form submit.
So now instead of using javascript i need to figure out how to put the a collection in my bean so it will show up in the select options tag, maybe you can point me towards this?
20 years ago
<action name="CreateWorkFlowItemBean" path="/createworkflow" scope="session" type="com.unitrin.paws.action.CreateWorkFlowItemAction" validate="false">
<forward name="CreateWorkFlowItemJsp"path="/jsp/CreateWorkFlowItem.jsp" />
I don't have it mapped to itself.
20 years ago
I hava a form which does is doing two posts every time I click the submit button. Why would this happen?
20 years ago