R George

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since Aug 10, 2009
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I am trying to debug an application deployed in weblogic server. I have deployed the ear file through weblogic console. And I started the weblogic server in debug mode from eclipse. But it is not halting at breakpoints.

Is it neccessary that I should deploy the application through eclipse to use breakpoints?
I would like to know what exactly mean by Persistence. My imperssion was that storing something permanently into Database is called persistence.

Do anyone have more thoughts on this?
You have to keep the hibernate config file within your classpath. In your application, keep it outside the src folder.
I dont think it really make sense when you say multiple rows are returned with same primary key. In relational database, a primay key is meant for uniquely identifying a row/record. In case one key is not able to identify a record uniquely, a combination of keys are used(composite key).

And ideally each table should have a primary/composite key in a relational DB.
Here is a tutorial which looked simple and easier for me.
