Avais Aziz

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since Oct 07, 2001
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Recent posts by Avais Aziz

MIDlet constructor should be 'public', this a common mistake, so check
this first.

19 years ago
Hi Jo!
Change your form action as below.
21 years ago
Well Done Jim Bedenbaugh!
22 years ago
Well Done Matt Ghiold
22 years ago
Mohamed Chaoui !
Congratulations and good luck for your future.
22 years ago
Well done, Congratulations.
22 years ago
Congratulatons Saptarshi Ray.
22 years ago
Hi! rajashree
From all the disscussion above I think there is a need to clear some concepts.
1. 'a' is not equal to a
2. 'a' is not equal to 10 . It is equal to 97
3. So far you don't mention type, compiler take 'a' as 97 or as 'a' according to where it is used. To prove my point take a look at the following code. When it is compiled it gives error ( duplicate case label ).

And this is the reason why it does not give error in your code. It take 'a' as 97, which is within the byte limit 127
One more thing byte b is not converted into int as someone mentioned in the above discussion. To prove it change 97 in the above code with 128. It will give error that found int required byte.
Thanks Cindy for your insight.
22 years ago
Hi! Cindy and Martin
Thanks for your replies.
I am not a programmer of any language so far. So
I am really new in your world. And I want to move
ahead with solid foundation. This topic was not clear
to me so I thought to disscuss not just ask.
I have visited this forum a few times before and I
think people here are very freindly and helpful.
That's why I asked again.
22 years ago
Thanks! Martin
But it is still not clear to me ( I am just a beginner ).
So is there any way I can get the memory size even it is difficult to get it.

Originally posted by Martin Rennix:
There is no easy answer because there is no "sizeof" operator in Java. Java stores extra run-time type information (RTTI) with each object, so it's not just a case of adding up the number of characters in each string.

22 years ago
Thanks! Martin
I asked many people but this is the first proper
answer to this question. Thanks again
22 years ago
How much memory this array will utilize?
String flower[]={"Rose","Jasmine","Tulip"};
22 years ago