Koti Samadhi

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since Aug 26, 2009
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Recent posts by Koti Samadhi

Hi All,

We are going to upgrade the Log4J 1.2.13 to Log4J2.5 version.

Presently we are using JDK1.7 and Weblogic version 10.3.6.

We are facing some performance issues and missing logs capture while doing transactions.

Could you please provide the example for Log4J2.5 version, what and all I need to take care while going for upgrade.

8 years ago

Requirement: 1. Show the Category Reports Available on the first list box.

2. By Clicking on the Category Reports Automatically populate the second list box with names of reports.

3.Select the report and select date from the calendar control and submit, -> GUI will open for selected report & selected date in Excel format.

Expected screen attached.

Could you please help me on this, how to proceed.
11 years ago

I want to display the data in desktop application in GUI. Currently the data is in server.

11 years ago
Hi All,

I have a requirement a like read the excel or CSV file and display the contents in a tabular format.

All the rows in the table should be editable.

Right now I am using POI API to upload the form and read the CSV file.

But I am looking for help, how to display the data in tabular format and that data should be editable.

11 years ago

Is there any chance to get source from WAR file.

How to extract the war file to zip ?

Please anyone can clarify ?

12 years ago

I am using Eclipse3.3 and Tortoise Subversion 7.1, usually I can commit/update /diff everything through windows itself. Once I commit some changes through Tortoise SVN in windows , am not able to do in Eclipse SVN Update / SVN Commit for the same component which I usually did in Windows.

Please can some one help me out to resolve this issue ?


Hi All,

The Calendar is not showing properly in IE browser . I am using IE7.

Anyone can please address how to resolve this issue.

For reference plse check attached screen.

Thanks & Regards
Hi Jhonson,
Thanks for Nice answers....

I am using JBoss4.3.0 only . we bought that product .
I am looking for how to configure Linux logging with regards to JBoss AS?

if any idea , plse help me on that..

14 years ago

I need to install below softwares in Linux environment

1. JDK1.5
2. Application Server - JBoss4.3.0.GA
3. Apache HTTP Server2.2
4. Using JBoss, how we can implement JBoss Cache, how the configuration changes in Linux environment
5. how to implement loggers implementation in LINUX using JBoss

Please anyone can help me on that...

Thanks & Regards
14 years ago

I need to install below softwares in Linux environment

1. JDK1.5
2. Application Server - JBoss4.3.0.GA
3. Apache HTTP Server2.2
4. Using JBoss, how we can implement JBoss Cache, how the configuration changes in Linux environment
5. how to implement loggers implementation in LINUX using JBoss

Please anyone can help me on that...

Thanks & Regards
14 years ago
Hi Sir,

I am doing JBoss clustering to communicate with 3 different machines like 3 diff nodes configurations.

Here my doubt is how we can implement logs using JBoss for 3 different nodes.

what are the changes needed in JBoss-log4j.xml for common logging for all the three nodes.

Please, help me on that....

Thanks & Regards
14 years ago
Hi All,

I am looking for some alternative instead of putting this configuration in web.xml, like putting the configuration in jboss-log4j.xml


Any one can plse help me how to implement Log4j in JBoss instead of using in web.xml file.

Thanks & Regards
14 years ago
what kind of Scenarios it will come, Please check the below screen shot for reference.

Thanks & Regards
14 years ago
Hi All,

i am facing a problem. i am using Iframe on one of my JSP Page. now when session is expired, i want the parent page to be redirected to login page. but i am not able to do so. when i check session in IFrame window and redirect user to login page, then only in Iframe user looks Login page, not the Parent page is redirected to Login page.

I will provide the screen shot for reference.

Hi All,

How to update multiple columns using in Hibernate(using HQL query)?

i need to update 3 columns in a single table using HQL query.

Anyone can please provide the example for HQL query update statement for mulitple columns .

Thanks & Regards