sudheer raj shetty

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since Sep 02, 2009
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Recent posts by sudheer raj shetty

am working on automating a flex application and able to run the scripts on windows. i used jdk tool kit and testng framework.
Now i want to run the same script on MAC-safari. when i ran the script, it launches just selenium core which is not showing the command execution and also it is not launching flex application on another browser.
14 years ago
In the below program am using the image path as input parameters for function imagecompare. In this function am trying to compare two images using compare command.

But when i try to execute this code, it is considering "sourceone" itself as parameter, actually i want its value (i,e) "c:\\autobanner\\GoldImage\\mybanner1.jpg"; to be considered. How to resolve this issue?

14 years ago

am new to mac and i want to run java program. am using 6 jar files to run this program. For this i need to set classpath. please guide me to set classpath.
currently i have all my jar files on desktop.

14 years ago
i want to know how to install selenium remote control on mac.? Is there separate set of zip files of selenium remote control for mac.?

14 years ago
am using TestNG framework for running selenium scripts(java) of flex application. Recently i added a java code for image comparison to that selenium script. Now am able to run that script but the only issue is result of visual comparison is not reflected in the html reports generated by TestNG.
For image comparison am using command line command "Compare" of Image magick tool. To have this command line command in my selenium script, am implementing getruntime.exec() function. So, it is generating the output in command line itself.
I want this output to get reflected in the TestNG html reports.
14 years ago

am able to capture a screenshot of web application using "captureEntirePageScreenshot" in IDE. But for my project i need to capture screenshot of flex application. when i tried the above command on flex application it is capturing a blank page.

Is there any other way to capture screenshot of flex application using Selenium??
14 years ago

Am able to compare two images using imagemagick (Compare command) in Commandline.
How can I use this command using java. Actually I want image comparion using java code. As i was going through imagemagick site. I found an 2 java interface Jmagick and im4java.

Which one is better ??Does any one know how to implement it..??
14 years ago
hi ppl,

i had extended my selenium with user-extensions.js file which contains flex related commands. and am able to execute some of the flex commands in that js file such as flexClick, flexSelectComboByLabel.

But when tried assert type commands, it is giving "Element not found" error message.
14 years ago
Thanks for replying. I will go through it.
14 years ago
In one of the Old thread in this forum, i found that ant can be used for generating reports when executing scripts in command line.
14 years ago

Am using junit frame work for running my java scripts. I want to know how to generate reports using junit.
am able to execute the script in Command line.

when i was going through some topics, i found that i have to use ant for this task.
Please, guide me to achieve this task.
14 years ago
so i as i understand i need to WRITE CODE to configure application server to connect to database server and manage it . right ??
IS the application server ,web server and database server physically at different LOCATION??? (even though it does not really matter for a programmer, just curious) or is it just a differents part in A server.

Suppose i create a web application(MVC model, J2EE), then i guess i would be using a web server , application server and database server.
Where do i store the *.html or *.jsp files?? ... web server ??
where do i keep the class files(C of mvc) of the application???
where do i keep the class files(M of mvc) of the application???
and how about the database??