Hi All
Today I successfully completed Test 141 and have become IBM Certified Developer for XML and Related Technologies.
My scoring is 72% (far less that my SCJP2 94% scoring…...
For me the question-percentages from the 5 sections were
Architecture – 19%
Information Modeling – 26%
XML processing – 33%
XML rendering- 11%
Testing and Tuning 11%
Below are the few points that I thought I should note down.
1. We should be thorough with XSL, XPath concepts.
2. Difference between DOM and SAX2 ( in which case DOM should be applied and in which case SAX2 should be applied )
3. Structure of DOM.
4. I found questions on Schema to be very basic and easy. But then we should never neglect it.
5. I didn’t find any syntax related questions on XSL-FO or CSS (About which I was apprehensive before the exam). But we should know the applications side.
6. On web services I got few questions.
SOAP -> Mainly on basic concepts on which SOAP is built
UDDI -> for what we use UDDI.
7. I found DTD questions are easy to answer. I found questions mainly on entity, notation and entity reference. Difference between DTD and Schemas should be known properly.
8. I got one question on Security basically asking about the minimum validity requirement for XML Signature Specification
What I felt from the exam -> IBM gives stretch on XML Technology application side questions rather than on syntax related questions.