amrish sharma

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since Sep 24, 2009
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Recent posts by amrish sharma

sir i want to display only 10 record of a search result from database after 10 records a next button has to be displayyed and when next button is pressed 10 results has to be display and so on
any idea please thanks
14 years ago
write all the stuff in a bat file using java and call that file ex: runtime.exec("file.bat");
14 years ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:There may be more than component with that name, but searching for "jdatetimepicker" finds a download location in the first result. Is that not what you're looking for?

dear friend actually i said open source jdatetimepicker
my code is this but it didnt return first row of the table i dont know why please help thanks I am using Ms Sql Server 08 as backend thanks
actullay you need to get image from database using servlet with params
for exampple
fetchimage is a servlet to get a desired image send it with parametre
ex:fetchimage?name=amrishwa and specify
14 years ago
just give your client a client side file upload java program no need for applets and bla bla
14 years ago
you need file upload api first of all
14 years ago
as sagar said now at another server jsp page code
14 years ago
i think it may be a plugin issue
14 years ago
ya i know that way but i want to know the way it is done in netbeans Gui

actually i am using jcombobox for sending table name param and jtable for fetching table data

if any one have a solution please provide me
i found the solution

thanks all
14 years ago