suresh dasari

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since Oct 05, 2009
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Recent posts by suresh dasari

Hi All,

I am trying to figure out why the liferay portal restricted the number of special characters/symbols to use in password. When I dig into its API, it is restricted to 9 characters which are configured in property file with a key "passwords.passwordpolicytoolkit.charset.symbols" and having values "_ . ! @ $ * = - ?".
There are many other special characters like #, ^. % etc, but they were not included by default.
I knew we can customize and include as many symbols as we want to, but is there any specific reason why liferay restricted these characters?

11 years ago
Are the two war files deployed on the same container?
11 years ago
Have you configured the portlet in portlet.xml, liferay-display.xml and liferay-portlet.xml files?
12 years ago
You can have Rich tooltip outside the inputText tag, but you need to provide the for value which is same as id value of inputText tag.
12 years ago
Check if you are defined the tomhawk xmlns schema in your jsf page, without defining this schema, renderer will ignore this kind of components.
12 years ago
I use the following code to get the HttpServletRequest and it is working fine

12 years ago
Hi Balaji,

why you need binding for an inputText, is there any specific reason?

An alternative for solving this issue is try to enclose the inputText in a panelGrid or panelGroup and in reset button click set the required value to '0' and rerender the panelgrid which will refresh only inputText with value set back to blank.

12 years ago
Hi All,

I am working on an application that uses liferay framework. There is a registration portlet that registers the user in liferay and also inserting an entry into my application database mapping table with the liferay userid.
I want both tasks should be in one transaction only, if my mapping table entry fails I want to revert back the user creation in liferay.
Can I have a transaction in my application by overriding the liferay's transaction to rollback for my own exception?

any help is appreciated.

12 years ago
Hi Salz,

your code is perfect and it is working as it is. If you want to see the change you made in the backing bean, you need to rerender that specific component(here outputlable). Use a4j components to implement the functionality of rerendering a component on the fly.
12 years ago
I tried and its working as expected

Thanks mark
12 years ago
Hi Mark,

Thanks for you reply.

so you mean I can configure JSF beans as Spring beans?
If that is allowed, I can force using post construct method to execute before my page renders.
12 years ago
Hi All,

In instantiating Spring beans, we can force it to execute an init method, can we do the same for JSF bean instances, else is there any other way to force my jsf bean to execute one method before my page renders.

Any help is appreciated.

12 years ago

Failed Spring certification exam with 2%, I scored 74% and the pass score is 76%
hmmm need to give one more chance.

I see couple of questions on syntax's too in this exams especially from the advanced topics.
13 years ago
Hi Tim,

I apology for that, there is no <ui:script> tag.
Actually when using the faclets, we can define <ui:insert name="script"></ui:insert> in side the <head> tag.
and in actualy xhtml page we can include the script functions as follows
13 years ago
Hi Pho Nghi,

Could you please be more specific of what you need and where you stuck?
13 years ago