Miles Davenport

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since Oct 07, 2009
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Recent posts by Miles Davenport

Hi Howard

The course looks very relevant to a new job I will be starting in the near future.

I was wondering if you could give me some high-level advice on how to apply security to a Spring Boot Service which implements a cache (@Cacheable, using ehcache) in front of a JPA repository, with crud functionality.

I've been thinking of high level scenarios (such as) when a user login session expires, their individual cache should also expire.  I was wondering if you had any advice on shared caches (used across a group of users), and how these could be secured.

This is a new areas for me, and any pointers would be welcome.

Thank you.


2 months ago
Hello Danilo,

I wanted your advice on the best way of keeping an Aws Lambda warmed up.

I understand that the first time a Lambda is called, the Serverless "environment" is warmed up, with a slight delay before code is executed.

To avoid this situation happening repeatedly, where there are surges of events, can you please recommend a strategy, which works, but is cost effective.

A heart beat which calls the Lambda every N seconds may be effective, but may also be costly.

Your thoughts are welcomed.

Thank you.

7 years ago
I've recently been involved with writing AWS Java Lambda, and am having real issues with setting up, and managing IAM security groups and roles.

Resources, like dynamo, or S3 are only available when you add * resources access, the account arn does not seem to work.

Combined with people adding * all over the place, to get "things working", it could be better.

I'm trying to work on permission of least privilege, and reduce the number of stars.

Advice, or resource recommendation would be welcome.



7 years ago
I am writing a build.xml file for a standalone java class which uses five ???.properties files. I need to know how to define these within build.xml.

I have tried a number of combinations, and get a file not found exception (from MyClass for the run target).

I have tried:

<path id ="loadVals">
<fileset dir="../properties">
<include name="*.properties"/>


<property file="../properties/"/>
<property file="../properties/"/>
<property file="../properties/"/>
<property file="../properties/"/>
<property file="../properties/"/>


Can someone please tell me how to define the five properties files. Thank you (please find build.xml below).


15 years ago