Prakash Mani - Attur

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since Oct 08, 2009
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Recent posts by Prakash Mani - Attur


Can someone please tell the real features that we have in using Spring's RequestContextFilter than J2EE's Filter ?

11 years ago

Is there anyway we can share videos, doc, ppt, pdf and HTML pages to all the users in the meeting. Its something like collaborative whiteboard app but with extended functionality to share video, doc etc.. For e.g, if the meeting host skipped to 30th second of a video, other users in the meeting should be able to see the video skipped.


Is there anyway we can share videos, doc, ppt, pdf and HTML pages to all the users in the meeting. Its something like collaborative whiteboard app but with extended functionality to share video, doc etc.. For e.g, if the meeting host skipped to 30th second of a video, other users in the meeting should be able to see the video skipped.

11 years ago
Thanks Tim...Found the reason for the exception...Its actually the McAfee denying the permission to connect with the database server...When changed the log level for hibernate package to INFO, I was able to see the exception clearly as "Permission Denied".Thanks again...
12 years ago
When hibernate tries to build the session factory, I am getting the below exception. Can you guys help me to overcome this issue ? With the same config file i can able to launch app in the local environment but not in the production. This issue happened after the latest deployment.

12 years ago
Below error occurs in my Tomcat. Also when I run Tomcat as service, system error out as 'Access is denied'

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x100045c7, pid=1072, tid=3044
# JRE version: 6.0_31-b05
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.6-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [tcnative-1.dll+0x45c7]
12 years ago
I am new to web service. I tried to create sample project as given in Using SOAP with Tomcat. After deployed the war to Tomcat with relevant jar files(soap.jar,mail.jar,activation.jar and xerces.jar) added to Tomcat lib and app lib, when I try to launch the site with http://localhost:8080/soap, I am getting 404 response. Can anyone please tell why am I getting 404. But in the tutorial, they are getting the below screen when they use the same URL.

12 years ago

We are using Hibernate2. Is there any possibility to fetch the associated object without join ?

What we do in our project is, we load the file from the client system and keep it server and we refer the server in further pages..
13 years ago
We have used '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />' but this got worked in IE8 and not in IE9. Can you guys help me on this ?
Hi Kulkarni

What made you solved the ClassCastException. Did you tried to cast query.list() to ArrayList or something ? If you have asked some question here and it got solved plese tell us how you did it. It would be helpful for many.

Why the persistent classes should not be final if we use lazy. Basically how Hibernate get lazy object when we access it ?

I am trying to configure hbm2java for my sample hibernate project. When i am adding the task in build.xml and ran it getting the below error.

I have also checked the three points which ant suggested... The file Employee.orm.xml actually exists in the specified directory.. can anybody help me on this ?
13 years ago
Hi All

I cannot get the advantage of using private field and public getter and setter POJOs. Why do not we use public field without getter and setter. Whats the problem in it ? Please clarify this.

13 years ago