namrata suri

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Recent posts by namrata suri

Ya I do not want the get method to be visible in the jsp and jobList is an arraylist in the servlet which consists of several beans.

I tried using beans like this in my jsp

But, it says "cannot find property Key"....

Am I not writing the bean part correctly because, I checked on various sites and this is how they mentioned it.

I am relatively new to the beans world. I have an action class where I am retrieving values from a database and putting the values in a bean which has 'n' no. of properties (since there are n columns per row of the db). Now I am putting these beans in an ArrayList and this list I am passing to a jsp where the values can be printed. Here are code snippets
I am not using DAO yet so please, do not refer to it.


Here, the functions of the bean are visible and I do not want that. How can I use beans to solve the problem.


I have written a code in which based on a user's selection, he either inserts data into a db or data is simply displayed from the db.
I had originally written everything in jsps using sql taglibs but was advised to use struts so that the presentation layer was different from the functional. I could implement that for the insert functionality but for the display part, I am having trouble understanding how to achieve it using struts.

So, when the user selects 'display' option, I included a form that autosubmits. So, i made a mapping in struts-config.xml for an action class. Now in the action class, I execute the sql queries and get a result set. How do I pass this to a jsp so that the values are printed.

14 years ago
I have a form from which the values are being passed to another jsp. In this jsp, i have a drop down box with some options. based on the value submitted by the form, one of those options has to be selected automatically or made the default value.

I am not using html struts taglib.

so my code is like this

That is the rough structure. Since, s was passed, I need to make s the default selection in the drop down box.
14 years ago

I have written a form in an jsp which accepts three values .Apart from this I also have drop down menu from which a value is selected.

These four values are now accessed in the second jsp where I am putting these values into a database.

Here is the code:

I tried putting the <%= ... %> part in double quotes as well but am getting an error as follows:

Column 'India' is either not in any table in the FROM list or appears within a join specification and is outside the scope of the join specification or appears in a HAVING clause and is not in the GROUP BY list. If this is a CREATE or ALTER TABLE statement........

The value of the session variable is getting reflected correctly but is not getting inserted into the table.

14 years ago
Thanks for the answers. I found my way around the problem. Did not realize the tutorial was that bad.

I guess the thread can be closed now.
14 years ago
Thank you for clearing my doubts to some extent. I am new to jsp's and was following this tutorial.

Here, he has written a similar code and the parameters seem to be getting passed. I think its better if I write the sql code in another jsp.

14 years ago
I am not able to figure that out because the moment I run the jsp, i get the error messages.

As in, the form should come first asking me to enter the values... but instead I directly get the error without getting a chance to fill the form.
14 years ago
Hi David,

No the code I posted is the actual code and in fact is from an eclipse tutorial. Even before the form comes up, I get an error. If i replace the ? with actual values, the code runs just fine, so i am guessing something is wrong with the sql:update - sql:param part. Unable to figure that out though.

Thank You.
14 years ago

I have used the following code snippet but am getting errors.

Here is the code:

The error I am getting is :

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException:
INSERT INTO positions(id,job_title) VALUES (?,?)

: Type is not supported.

14 years ago
I included the struts-el.jar file and now I am not getting the build path error.

But, when I am compiling, I still get an error as follows for the following line of code

,saying expression cannot be evaluated. The reason I shifted to html-el was so that I could pass the value on to the jsp whenever the image was clicked. I do not know how to proceed further because, <bean:write> is not working under value attribute because of the quotes compatibility issues.
14 years ago

Yes, I included struts.jar, struts-html-el.tld as well
I have a doubt though.

My struts,jar and struts-html-el.tld are from 1.8 but other jar files
are from other versions of struts. Is that a problem.?
14 years ago
I have a jsp where I am using the following taglibs

I am using them as below:

The reason I included html-el tag was because with html, I had to use a bean:write for the value and that was not getting passed correctly. Hence, I shifted to <html-el>. But, i am getting the error

The tag handler class for html-el:image (org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELImageTag) was not found on the build path
Unable to load tag handler class.

14 years ago
Thank you.I downlaoded the struts-html-el.tld library and included it in my web-inf folder and used it in my code

<html-el:image'key' value="${mapVals.key}"

I am getting the following error "The tag handler class for html-el:image (org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELImageTag) was not found on the build path"

I have been using libraries from different versions of struts but predominantly struts2. Is that a problem since this struts-html-el library i am using from struts 1.1
14 years ago

I am using the html:image tag and am passing values to a jsp using the property and value attributes. Here is the code:

<html:image onclick="javascript:popUp('success1.jsp')" src="images/images.jpg" property="key" value="<bean:write name="mapVals" property="key"/>" />

Am catching this value in success1.jsp as

But only null is getting passed.

14 years ago