Jaikiran Pai wrote:
Shyransh nath wrote:
Skillset ... hypernet
Did you mean Hibernate?
Rohan kanade wrote:
Since Erlang was intended for telecom operations software , why is there a push currently to use as a web backend development tool?
How does Erlang's performance compares to Current tools/languages used for web backend development ?
How can Erlang be source interpreted and also compile to bytecode for a VM and also compile to native assembly? Which one is better for what purpose?
Please briefly talk about hotswapping of code in the above context. how is done for say a natively compiled binary of Erlang code?
Henry Wong wrote:
Rohan kanade wrote: But on the other hand, Sun used to hire the best engineers, but their sales team was not that strong, and look what happened to Sun.
Don't completely agree. More than a decade at Sun -- worked with a ton of sales reps that were very successful and whom I regard as still having the Midas touch.
I do agree that Sun has issues with retention of their good SRs... but considering the problems that they had over the last many years, that is not surprising. Great sales reps may be able to sell refrigerators to eskimos, but why should they? Those same contacts available to SRs to sell, can also be used to find easier and higher paying jobs.
IOWs, maybe if Sun created better core product (instead of lots of technology that didn't see the light of day), they would've been able to retain the better SRs.
Chad McGowan wrote:Why are manhole covers round?
Is this a common interview question? Just curious because it is a standard one at the last company I worked for.
Gina vernon wrote:Does anyone have an answer to the following question? I searched the internet but couldn't find anything that specifically addressed this question.
What can an interface do that a 100% abstract class cannot?
Basically, the question was if a developer can get all the functionality of an interface in a 100% abstract class, why even use an interface?
Jothi Shankar Kumar wrote:
Ernest Friedman-Hill wrote:Raza Mohd's answer would require that you invoke a different class from the command line, not this one, which I think is against the spirit of the question. Jothi Shankar Kumar's answer isn't an option. But Henry's answer is a good one, and likely the one the interviewer had in mind.
Why isn't it an option?
Henry Wong wrote:
One option you can try is using a shutdown hook -- code to be executed upon JVM shutdown. Take a look at the Runtime class for more info.