1.Input jsp page:
2. Javascript:
3. Conroller: Spring MVC framework
The above abcList contains the list of values
4. This modaltarget is configured in tiles-config.xml,views.properties file which routes the output jsp page
5.The service layer which returns an Arraylist calls Dao class
6. Dao class:
This class contains the JDBC logic select query to retrieve the data from the database table.The data Code and Role columns are added to a VO object and added to a Arraylist.
7. The business logic is fine.But I have modaltarget.jsp page which must display the retrieved values from Dao as a table ,as a list of values in a table using JSTL.
I cannot hardcode te values as shown above.I have to display the retrieved values from Dao from an ArrayList into this jsp.
Since I am new to JSTL,how do I output the values onto the jsp page using JSTL tags.