docampo Ocampo

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since Oct 30, 2009
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Recent posts by docampo Ocampo

Hi folks, i got a problem bootstrapping jboss with seam and Birt.

The firts error that appears is:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/transport/http/AxisServlet
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at$000(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
a lot more...

I checked that the JAR file containing that class is present in the lib folder under WEB-INF, so that exception is kind of misleading

then it prints:

--- Incompletely deployed packages ---
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@e83fa8c9 { url=file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-ws.jar/ }
deployer: MBeanProxyExt[jboss.ejb3:service=EJB3Deployer]
status: Created
state: CREATED
watch: file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-ws.jar/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
altDD: null
lastDeployed: 1266856730862
lastModified: 1266848834912

org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@b5461917 { url=file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-ejb-basic.jar/ }
deployer: MBeanProxyExt[jboss.ejb3:service=EJB3Deployer]
status: Created
state: CREATED
watch: file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-ejb-basic.jar/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
altDD: null
lastDeployed: 1266856731003
lastModified: 1266848832724

org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@459bccd8 { url=file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-ejb.jar/ }
deployer: MBeanProxyExt[jboss.ejb3:service=EJB3Deployer]
status: Created
state: CREATED
watch: file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-ejb.jar/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
altDD: null
lastDeployed: 1266856731878
lastModified: 1266848831349

org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@8af7b514 { url=file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-web.war/ }
deployer: MBeanProxyExt[jboss.web:service=WebServer]
status: Deployment FAILED reason: org/apache/axis/transport/http/AxisServlet
state: FAILED
watch: file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-web.war/WEB-INF/web.xml
altDD: null
lastDeployed: 1266856732315
lastModified: 1266848857788

org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@8516d4bd { url=file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/ }
deployer: org.jboss.deployment.EARDeployer@bdcccc
status: Deployment FAILED reason: Could not create deployment: file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/console-web.war/; - nested throwable: (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/axis/transport/http/AxisServlet)
state: FAILED
watch: file:/C:/JBOSS/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy/console-ear.ear/META-INF/application.xml
altDD: null
lastDeployed: 1266856732315
lastModified: 1266848836303

In my web.xml i got every birt descriptors and, when i comment this, error dissapears.
My aim is getting the birt viewer working with seam pages.

<description>Deployment Descriptor for BIRT Viewer. Please check and specify the following settings.</description>
<description>Report resources(design files or document files) directory for preview. Defaults to ${Context Root}</description>
<description>Memory size in MB for creating a cube.</description>
<description>Report engine log level. (ALL|SEVERE|WARNING|INFO|CONFIG|FINE|FINER|FINEST|OFF)</description>
<description>Directory where to store all the birt report script libraries (JARs).. Defaults to ${Context Root}/scriptlib</description>
<description>Flag whether to force browser-optimized HTML output. Defaults to true</description>
<description>Report Engine logs directory. Default to ${Context Root}/logs</description>
<description>Max cube fetch columns levels limit for report preview (Only used when previewing a report design file using the preview pattern). Defaults to return all levels</description>
<description>Resource location directory (library files, images files or others). Defaults to ${Context Root}</description>
<description>Temporary images/charts directory. Defaults to ${Context Root}/report/images</description>
<description>BIRT viewer extended configuration file</description>
<description>Preview report rows limit. An empty value means no limit.</description>
<description>Temporary document files directory. Defaults to ${Context Root}/documents</description>
<description>Flag whether to allow server-side printing. Possible values are ON and OFF. Defaults to ON</description>

<description>Flag whether the report resources can only be accessed under the working folder. Defaults to false</description>
<description>Max cube fetch rows levels limit for report preview (Only used when previewing a report design file using the preview pattern). Defaults to return all levels</description>

Grateful for your help!!

14 years ago
i have the same problem. I have a web service injection:

private IWSUser wsUser;

Originally, it had the URL attribute (wsdlLocation="URL") but this URL canĀ“t be hardcoded once deployed.

According to:

"A URL pointing to the WSDL document for the web service. If not specified, the WSDL location specified by annotations on the resource type is used instead. "

I really need to know which is the file that holds this information.

Thank you in advance