John Stingo

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since Oct 20, 2001
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I was wondering if this certification is kept up to date with the latest xml specs from w3c since IBMs links point to some of the older revisions.
Thanks Gagan! Sorry, I didn�t install the J2EE SDK...
I think for best results you should have an understanding of servlet/jsp before you read the specs, either by reading a book or work experience. I already had about 6 months working with these.
What�s next?? I�m not sure. But I�m thinking about one of the IBM exams.
Good Luck,
I took the SCWCD a few days ago and passed with an 86%. Thanks to a little study and the contributions of this forum, I passed without too much sweat. Thank you!
My story:
I read the servlets 2.3 and (most of) the jsp 1.2 specifications. The servlets specification in particular is an extremely well-written document and I highly recommend it. In my opinion you do not need to read all of the jsp specs. Buy yourself a book and grab the jsp 1.2 card instead. I used the "core servlets and java server pages" for this. It uses the jsp 1.1 specs, but most of it is still applicable in jsp 1.2.
I installed tomcat 4.0 and jbuilder personal (free) and did some tests with servlets/jsp. I was very satisfied using both to prepare for the test.
I read Mifta Khan's notes. These are a great consolidation of ALOT of material. Thanks!
I took the mock exam at javaranch. Liked it, especially for the price! Then I bought the test simulator from whizlabs. Of course it helped my understanding and helped me to review, but I'm sorry to say did NOT think the questions resembled most of the ones I saw on the test - it's a great tool, but don't rely ONLY on it for a good score.
Anyway, I hope this helps!