Saket Swain

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since Nov 17, 2009
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Recent posts by Saket Swain

In order to get momentum, I recommend you start with Head First design Patterns. You cover an important objective in the SCEA exam and more than that, I believe HF books provide the kick start that is required for a brain that is not willing to get back to reading. I am following this approach. I plan to read the HF JSP and Servlets next before I go into other topics that require more intense concentration.
hello ranchers,

this is my first post in this great forum! I have been following this forum mostly in ROM(Read Only Mode) and finally decided to register and post. I have browsed through the various posts and gathered all the information needed to prepare for SCEA. Please wish me good luck.

I have recently passed SCBCD and would like use this opportunity to thank MZ for the great notes. I have a compliment and a criticism for MZ's guide on SCBCD. The compliment is, this is the only notes you will need to pass SCBCD. Now for the criticism, about 1000 pages of sun specs have been compressed into about 250 pages, which makes each page very intense and loaded with high quality stuff, there is absolutely no room for the reader to relax! Great job MZ for putting this together. I will be using your guide in my SCEA preparation as well.

My original plan was to take the SCDJWS exam before I took the SCEA exam. In fact, we use a lot of SOA (oracle BPEL,ESB) in my current work. Somehow I found the study material to be a little dry. The SCDJWS forum also doesn't have a lot of activity as the SCBCD or SCEA forums. So I have decided to get the SCEA certification first and if I still have the energy, take the SCDJWS later.

Don't know about the preparation time for others, but my style of preparation is to set myself a very short time(about a month to take SCEA part 1). If I set myself 3-4 months, I seem to loose focus..anyone in the same situation?