Abhi Don

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since Nov 20, 2009
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Yes, I have and here is the difference.

when I use <jsp:forward> the generated servlet contains

if (true) {

and at the time of using getRequestDispatcher("").forward(), I get the below code in the generated servlet.


I am able to get the difference from the generated code, but my question is that, if this is the case then why do people say these are equal.
14 years ago
Hello All,

From all the places that I could gather information about <jsp:forward> and getRequestDispatcher("").forward(), it says these are equal. Meaning, <jsp:forward> is just a tag format of getRequestDispatcher("").forward().

If I use:

<%System.out.println("Request Forwarded");%>

I get the message saying "Request Forwarded" in the log. i.e. the execution does come back to the current page after processing the forward request.

While, if I use

<jsp:forward page="Second.jsp"/>
<%System.out.println("Request Forwarded");%>

I don’t see message in the log. i.e. once the request is forwarded, the execution doesn’t come back to the current page.

Please help me to clear my doubt.

14 years ago
using "set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256M -Xmx1300M -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"
14 years ago

I am trying to deploy my WAR (un exploded) on Weblogic 10.3 and getting folowing error

"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set web app root system property when WAR file is not expanded"

and when i removed the log4j.properties from WEB-INF the server is started with loads of logs in the console and when I try to get the loghin page I get permgen space error.

I also tried increasing the memmory (to the max server allowed me to) bt then also I am getting the same error (perm gen).

Please help.
14 years ago
Hey Thanks...

I will try and let you know.
14 years ago

I am looking out for the possible options to load an XML file at runtime which resides in a WAR file. Any pointer in this area will be very helpful.

14 years ago