Mark Eisert

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since Oct 28, 2001
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Well that's somewhat correct. For a Java Bean class the naming convention is strictly enforced. Beans do differ by the fact that they must follow a naming convention. This naming convention makes it possible for them to be manipulated in a visual development environment. The naming convention gives makes the Bean easy to manipulate via properties. A Bean should also be made easy to use for the novice programmer. Meaning the properties should be complete but intuitive to the layman.
Most Java Beans are not persistent by nature. An Enterprise Java Bean is a flavor of Java Bean that is persistent. Meaning that the object state can be stored in a database.

I recently went through the same motions of installing and running the J2EE server. Starting the J2EE server from the script using the -verbose option also gave me the error:
bad command or file error
This may be due to the fact that there are 2 '=' in one of your script lines for the j2ee.bat file. Most likely the last line in the script where all the environment variables are glued together to run the application (ie j2ee server)
You may want to reference this June 4th post which explains why someone may get the bad command or file error and how to fix it. This was helpful in solving all of my command errors in both the J2EE and Runclient scripts.
Good Luck!