Peter Johnson wrote:After creating your two *-ds.xml files, then:
a) Configure a DatabaseServerLoginModule in login-config.xml to reference the Oracle database.
b) For a web app I would say to configure web.xml and jboss-web.xml to use the login module from step a). But I am not sure where that configuration would go in Seam.
c) Configure Hibernate to use the MySQL database.
At least, I hope it is that simple and that Seam doesn't require some additional/alternate configuration.
Konda Golamaru wrote:Hi Paul,
Finally It works as I expected. I have changed the hbm ddl property value from create to update and it works.
<prop key="">update</prop>
Now, it picks the next sequence value and also It creates the new record for each JUnit execution.
Your reply helped me to dig further on the issue and finally here we are.
Thanks again.