Anyone who has worked with Executable UML or UML Action Language? I want to know the difference between xUML and generating fully executable code from the UML.
I'm working on Java-Flex based project. During the discussions we spent a lot of time on formulating the design. The design is getting changed almost every other week. We took this problem to IBM where they introduced us to IBM RSA (My company is an ardent user of IBM products). What we are planning to have is a UML to JAVA transformation. We are still in a prototyping phase. Our aim is to generate JAVA code from the design we publish. I looked at some examples from the web. I made some UML designs and it generated the classes for me, that is OK. What I'm trying to achieve is something that could generate the code( not UI) but altleast my Back end Business logics. The tool from activity, case,sequence etc diagrams should be able to generate the code for me. Is this possible with RSA?. Can someone help me with some example links?
I'm new to flex. I'm working on a requirement where I need to display data in AdvancedataGrid and making the rows expandable to display an ItemRenderer. I have used HierarchicalData to do the same. I've achieved my objective to an extent except for the error where all the rows gets expanded. Can anyone please help. If required I can share the code for the same.
Hello Mathew,
Thanks for replying. But I still don't get in the former case where it was <T extends Comparable>, You interpreted it as T= Comparable and in your case where <T extends Comparable<? super T>> we are unable to compile.
If possible can you please explain the flow of it.
well, the array was of the dimension on 15*22*2. Thus in the initialization part it has 15 rows and 22 columns. I tried swapping the i and j dimensions but the program is still showing the same error.
I making a quadtree from a matrix. Please find attached with this post a sample image of how it is done. I ve used recursion but not able to get to the final result.
LOL...well thankx it worked....I didn close the file. But I still dont understand why did that happen. In my original java program I am able to write to a file without closing it..!!
This is a section of code. I m trying to retrieve links from a webpage whose contents are there in pagecontents variable. While m in the loop I m storing them in link variable but not able to write them in the file links.txt. But in output file is created but no data in written on it.
I m sorry Charles..for nt putting my code in tags....
and about the soultion which you gave me I altered my main method by putting String args[] and replacing the first line java pckage1.anshul but still it doesn work out..
I ve made a folder java in my D drive. The folder Java contains a folder pckage1 and I ve written a following code under the name
package pckage1;
class kkt
public void display()
System.out.println("this is kkt");
public class anshul extends kkt
public static void main()
System.out.println("anshul singhal");
anshul an = new anshul();
this program compiles correctly using javac but when i try to run it...(java anshul) it gives me a no class deffound error
my classpath is set to D:\java;
there is a concept of narrowing in automatic typecasting which states that if a larger type can be assigned to smaller type with a loss of information for e.g float can be assigned to int with the loss of decimal part. Why can't the same thing happen here??