Ahmad Reza Seddighi

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since Dec 15, 2009
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The main benefit of "Spring with Hibernate" over EJB3, is using many useful Spring services, including IoC and AOP, to decouple the application code and clean separation of concerns. Besides, with Spring and Hibernate you can still continue developing with JSF and JPA (Hibernate implemenation).

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
The book does not discuss IDEs. Instead, it delves into technical details of Spring integration with Hibernate.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a new methodology which complements Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and provides separation of concerns. There are many frameworks which provide AOP, including Spring and AspectJ. As the author of the book, I think the best chapters of the book are "Spring IoC" and "Spring AOP". I tried to explain these services with understandable examples. So, I recommend the book to all readers who are new to Spring, IoC, or AOP.

Springn Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
The book does not involve in such special cases. However, it discusses how you can use the Criteria API which handles these cases properly.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
Yes. Actually this book is an example-rich tutorial. All topics in the book are discussed with examples. Each example is a part of an imaginary Educational System.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
Yes. The book investigates Hibernate native API and JPA-compliant API with Spring to implement the data layer of the application.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
The focus of the book is on "Spring with Hibernate native API". But, since Hibernate also provides a JPA-compliant APA, JPA is also discussed in the book.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
Yes. I recommend this book to you. It is excellent to start both Spring and Hibernate. You will learn some general Spring services such as IoC and AOP (which mostly are used in Spring applications) besides persistence related features such as transaction management and exception handling. The book also provides a good place to start Hibernate.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
This book is perfect for Hibernate developers, or Hibernate beginners, who are interested in using Hibernate with Spring. So, to read the book and learn both frameworks, no experience, neither on Spring nor on Hibernate, is needed.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
ApplicationContext is a master object provided by the Spring framework to manage instantiation and lifecycle of the application's objects. You can find more about ApplicationContext at http://www.springsource.org

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
Database ER-model is derived from OO domain model. This approach is practical just when you are developing on a legacy pre-developed application.

Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
You can use the book and learn Hibernate and Spring, even if you don't have any prior knowledge on these areas. It provides a step-by-step path from beginning discussions around Hibernate and Spring to advanced topic around persistence.
Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
Two level caches provided by Hibernate are discussed. As you know, the first level cache that is mandatory and managed by persistence context, can not be disabled. Hibernate allows second level cache through third-party implemented caches, configured in the Hibernate configuration. If you mean any discussion around these, the book covers them.
Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago
No, they are out of the book's scope.
14 years ago
Yes. This book assumes you are a beginner and teaches you Hibernate and Spring from basic to professional.
Spring Persistence with Hibernate
14 years ago