damodaran puliyassery

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since Dec 17, 2009
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Recent posts by damodaran puliyassery

I am using flex and java and my database is mysql, i want to display image in my flex RIA from database.

Thanks in advance
14 years ago
Sir i added the jar files in library path.
Any other methods available in eclipse to add the jar files???
i am trying to upload files from my flex RIA to server.But i am getting this error in eclipse console

thanks in advance
I need to upload picture from my RIA application to Mysql using java in server side.I use the following code in flex side.I use HTTPService to interact with java server ie Tomcat 5.5.

I want to know how the byte data send from flex can be retrieved as a byte array in java code?

Thanks in Advance
14 years ago
I use java:test in lookup.i copied the file db2java.jar to jboss<HOME>/server/default/lib folder.But i got this error while try to create connection.
I used the driver name as COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver.
Please help me...

14 years ago
ya it is db2java.jar.it is shown as the executable jar file.ya i am sure it is jar.
14 years ago
I copied the file db2java.jar to jboss/server/default/lib folder
but i am getting the java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver Error.
I am using eclipse.and jBoss version is Joss 5.0.
Please Help me....
14 years ago
From where i can find out this file COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver ?
I need DB2 JDBC driver jar file. From where i can download it???
14 years ago
Sir i am not copied that file.
Where that file is located??
14 years ago
I modify the db2-ds.xml file and put it in server/default/deploy folder.The file is

then i write J2EE code as

i got an error in eclipse as

I have to do any more changes?Why this error??Somebody please help......

thanks in advance....
14 years ago
I modify the db2-ds.xml file and put it in server/default/deploy folder.The file is

And in J2EE i write this code

But i got this error Message:- Error in DBConnection test not bound
I have to do any more changes?Why this error??Somebody please help......

thanks in advance....
14 years ago

I modify the db2-ds.xml file and put it in server/default/deploy folder.The file is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- -->
<!-- JBoss Server Configuration -->
<!-- -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->

<!-- $Id: db2-ds.xml 43824 2006-04-16 21:48:44Z wprice $ -->


<!-- DB2 Universal Driver Note connection URL is in form of

Default port for Type 4 driver is 50000

Note, host and port must be specified if using Type 4 driver. And be forewarned, no native
XA support is provided with Type 4; you must set a DB property calling for Type 2 to get XA


Please see http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/dm-0512kokkat/
or the DB2 JDBC application developers manual.


<!-- New org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.vendor.DB2ExceptionSorter



<!-- sql to call when connection is created
<new-connection-sql>some arbitrary sql</new-connection-sql>

<!-- sql to call on an existing pooled connection when it is obtained from pool
<check-valid-connection-sql>some arbitrary sql</check-valid-connection-sql>

<!-- corresponding type-mapping in the standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml (optional) -->



And in J2EE i write this code
ic=new javax.naming.InitialContext();
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Error in DBConnection "+e.getMessage());

But i got this error Message:- Error in DBConnection test not bound
I have to do any more changes?Why this error??Somebody please help......
thanks in advance....
14 years ago