William Peck

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US Army, 1977 - 1990;
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Recent posts by William Peck

got it, I had to allow tomcat to run using a user that had access to network drives, then my link needed to be full UNC path, not a mapped drive.
13 years ago
I just worked through my first servlet, and it was looking good on my local development machine (WebSphere server). So then I was saddened to see that it didn't work on Tomcat 5.5.

I am opening a Word document and it now works fine in WebSphere (local machine), with this URL:

but when moving to Tomcat (to another machine that the organization can use), this doesn't work:

both environments are pointing to the same database, so it seems like it's a Tomcat thing.

I am sure the file is there as it opens from WebSphere (and from Windows explorer)

Below is my servlet and web.xml.

this is the error message on local development when the file name is bad:
Error 404: The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_XXX_17_02.doc could not be found.

it shows up just as written above on a white screen inside a "thick-box" (I forced it to be bad with "XXX")

on the Tomcat server, I get this more detailed message, also inside the thick-box
HTTP Status 404 - The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_at_17_02.doc could not be found.

type Status report

message The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_at_17_02.doc could not be found.

description The requested resource (The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_at_17_02.doc could not be found.) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.31


/********* Web xml entry **********/

/********* JSP **************/
13 years ago
Ok, I will write a servlet proxy . . . if only I knew how . . . I will research and then post later if I can't figure it out.

yes, it opens straight away when entering from a browser window, good idea.

but it's got to be something else.

the JSP is running on Tomcat (on a server that the whole company uses).

Both links are the same but one works entered directly but the other doesn't work from the JSP rendered page.

file:///R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_035_2011_04_26_at_10_33.doc - works from browser a test HTML page
file:///R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_035_2011_04_26_at_10_33.doc - doesn't work from JSP / Tomcat

Now what ?
Well, as I said, the link opens from the JSP on IE-7, but not on FF 4.0 or Chrome 10.0. So I'll post this on another forum.

Ok, makes sense that HTML is HTML, so I will try and determine any differences,.
The links are the same in the HTML test and JSP.

The link opens from the JSP on IE-7, but not on FF 4.0 or Chrome 10.0

In my neophyte-ness, it seems like it's something to do with JSP that I'm not understanding.
I understand what you are saying, but I'm on a corporate intranet, so all users can read the file:///

if there is a better way to form the URL, I'm all ears.

But it's not even working because of something I'm not understanding with JSP. With straight HTML, the link works.
I need to build a link in a JSP page that looks (in effect) like this
CDR Load

So it's pulling up a file from the corporate file system

The destination and the link text are both data returned from Oracle.

I tried it like this and the URL is formed ok, looks like a link, but when I click it nothing happens.

<td ><a href="<c:out value="${hist.cdrReportLoc}"/>"><c:out value="${hist.procDescription}"/></td>

With the above command the link looks ok, it comes out as
file:///T:/Operations/IT/IT Shared/Enterprise/EDW/EDW/cdr_reports/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_035_2011_04_26_at_10_33.out

but when I do this is straight HTML, the link opens ok
T drive, April 2011

So something with JSP or JSTL I'm not handling correctly.
Bear, ok on the answer. I was posting this a second time when you answered the first one. So I got my answer, it is confined.

ok on the "disable HTML", still working on my spurs here . . .

Bear, ok on it being deprecated, but I'm not in a position to swap it out.

I posted this separately so will close this one out.
I am using jquery thickbox for pop-up screens. I've found that successive thickbox screens are confined to the area of the predecessor thickbox. is there a way around that ?

I have thickbox set at height=400, width=400, so I'm limited to that size or smaller for a successive thickbox pop-up, and I have a situation where I'd like the size to be outside of the originating thickbox size

Here's the originating thickbox

td align="right"> [a class= thickbox href= error_summary.htm?ERRORID=4413&height=400&width=400&TB_iframe=true&modal=true >2,033</ a></td

calling the 2nd thickbox

[td align="left"> [a class='thickbox' href="error_detail.htm?ERRORID=4413&ERRORDESCR=MED_COV+Dup+Found&height=350&width=400&TB_iframe=true&modal=true">MED_COV Dup Found</td>

(if I put code tags around this, both of these code snippets lose information, so I just hacked the syntax so it would show up)

here is what is rendered.

calling the original thickbox

<td >2,033</td>

calling the 2nd thickbox