I just worked through my first servlet, and it was looking good on my local development machine (WebSphere server). So then I was saddened to see that it didn't work on Tomcat 5.5.
I am opening a Word document and it now works fine in WebSphere (local machine), with this URL:
but when moving to Tomcat (to another machine that the organization can use), this doesn't work:
both environments are pointing to the same database, so it seems like it's a Tomcat thing.
I am sure the file is there as it opens from WebSphere (and from Windows explorer)
Below is my servlet and web.xml.
this is the error message on local development when the file name is bad:
Error 404: The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_XXX_17_02.doc could not be found.
it shows up just as written above on a white screen inside a "thick-box" (I forced it to be bad with "XXX")
on the Tomcat server, I get this more detailed message, also inside the thick-box
HTTP Status 404 - The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_at_17_02.doc could not be found.
type Status report
message The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_at_17_02.doc could not be found.
description The requested resource (The file R:/FTP/Highmark/data/test/ods_cdr_tab_cnt_104_2011_04_26_at_17_02.doc could not be found.) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.31
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