Vivek K Singh

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since Dec 22, 2009
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Recent posts by Vivek K Singh


Anyone has any experience using application developed using Oracle PL / SQL Web toolkit on WLS 10.3 ?

We have an old application created in Oracle PL / SQL Web toolkit which is currently hosted on OAS. The client wants us to migrate the application to Weblogic server (10.3). I wanted to know if anyone has heard of any plugin or has any experience in doing this ?

Any pointers in this direction will be really helpful.

13 years ago

We have an application where we make a lot of WS Calls (all of them are RESTFul WS). We use Jersey to make RESTFul calls.

In a new requirement we need to consume a SOAP based WS, Can we use Jersey to call the SOAP WS ? Pass the SOAP XML as a String?

14 years ago
Try using interceptors. They will intercept any response or request and then you can alter it as per your need.
14 years ago
Thanks Tim and Ulf. While looking online memcached came up, need to see if it is too much of an overkill for the problem else its going to be hibernate cache.
14 years ago

I have a RESTFul webservice that goes to the database to fetch some data, The data is very static in nature and changes like once a month or so.

Still to fetch the data from DB it takes the service about 300ms, I was wondering is thare any way in which I can cache the data on server and make the service fetch it from there so that the time spent blocking on DB and IO is reduced.

And also is there any way in which the chache can be refreshed when new data is added ?

14 years ago
Yogesh, Yes you can.

Simply add the jar file as an external library and create a bean like you will do for any other class. (If the class is present in classpath and you can instantiate it from code, then, you can do it from spring)
14 years ago