Ninad Kuchekar

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since Jan 05, 2010
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Recent posts by Ninad Kuchekar

Thanks Frank,
decent links there...
14 years ago
Hi All,

I have recently come across this Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen Space, instead of the traditional Java Heap Space.
I read some articles over the web and it was clear as to what this error is, however, it is not clear why the differentiation.

Also, is there a difference in the way the JVM handles garbage collection for 1.5 and 1.6?

14 years ago

Vinod Vijay wrote: .....defualt access specifier fields can be accessed withing same class, and same package only.

I think you have already answered your question.
14 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote: ..., not Notepad, which is good for some things but not for programming. Try Notepad++ and Notepad2,...

Textpad is a good option too!
14 years ago
Welcome to Javaranch!

Bradley Clay wrote: Yea I am a NEWB!!! lol

The moderators here are strict about using "real words" and discourage to use short forms for phrases.

If you are asking about IDE's its really your choice, you could try using them and decide for yourself which suits you.
When I started programming, I used a Notepad, which helped me a lot in remembering syntax, method names, and avoiding commonly made mistakes which IDE's sometimes rectify themselves or at least notify the user.

Bradley Clay wrote: Also, should I read through the whole book first then go back and do the actual programming stuff or do everything as I go along?

It's not a novel! Go step by step, approach the book by separating it into topics and trying them out simultaneously. You can't lie on the bed at night and read the book and then go to your PC the next morning to try out the code!(You can, but you should not )
Read the topic and try out the code as you read, maybe experiment a bit too.
Good Luck!
14 years ago
The equals() method accepts an Object as a parameter and you are passing v2 as a String by mentioning it in quotes.
14 years ago
Always welcome...good luck ahead!
I am not an avid UML user, but isn't "has-a" relationship denoted like this...

14 years ago
So what Gary has said above is perfect. If you are still fighting for a real world solution and to make it loosely coupled create an Interface, say Transponder.

So something like:


Now use this Interface reference in your class Remote. You could also add some more Transponders by implementing this interface. Now your Remote "has-a" Transponder.

There is much more you could do to the above code to make it close to real world. You could add another abstract level between the interface and your class. But this one is simple enough.
14 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:OpenJDK is a JDK provided by somebody else. Can't remember by whom.

I think its by Sun...Have a look at OpenJDK
14 years ago
By that if you mean JDK then you can download it from here
If you are talking about the "source", you can find a along with the JDK6 download.
14 years ago
td is not accessible because at compile-time the type of "aaa " is "a" and the compiler searches for "td" there.

Its like a child is trying to create its parent and it wants the parent to be just like itself!!!

The problem here is that you are trying to expand the limits of "a" at runtime.
14 years ago

Abimaran Kugathasan wrote: There is a syntax error in the coding. Nobody noticed?

Whoops!!...Think I got too excited about leaving for home...
14 years ago
Hi Akhash,

What you are thinking is absolutely correct, and it should be that way and it can.

I don't think switchOn() or switchOff() is the behavior of light, it is the function of a remote. The light simply responds to these commands. You could think on those lines...

Campbell Ritchie wrote: ..and if the real world is different, well that's the real world's problem.

14 years ago
Hi Ramakrishna,

Please have a look at this.
14 years ago