Michael Dixon

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since Jan 20, 2010
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Recent posts by Michael Dixon

I have been doing the courses, for 2 weeks now. They are very good. I have no regrets. www.jpassion.com is an alternative that is worth considering.
13 years ago
I have subscribed to them and am going through the material. I share your concern about the giving them the credit card information and will take steps to ensure that my bank is notified that the subscription is only for 1 year.
13 years ago
Congratulations. I'm so sorry to hear about your misfortunes. Unfortunately, these things do happen but what is most important is that you never allowed it to deter you from your goal. Chin up!
14 years ago

The anonymous string object "c" in lines 1 and 2 is the same. The object is a string literal. String literal is placed in the string constant pool, on the heap, by the JVM. Each time a literal is encountered, the pool is checked to determine if it exists. If it exists, it is reused. Otherwise a new one is created and placed in the pool.

The anonymous string object "c" is created at line 1. At line 2, when it is encountered the pool will be checked. Since it exists it will be reused.

BTW, the code will not compile because a } is missing.
Hey congratulations on a great score! Thanks for sharing your tips for the exam preparation.
14 years ago
Congratulations on a great run! This is truly inspiring. Thanks for the tips also.
14 years ago
Congratulations. Thanks for sharing your study techniques. They are inline with the approach I am taking as I prepare for the examination in June 2010.
14 years ago
Try this website.


The tutorial is presented using slides. There are also exercises that you may undertake to reinforce the knowledge.
14 years ago