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Brendon Woodford

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since Jan 22, 2010
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Recent posts by Brendon Woodford

Hi all,

Can we please discuss on AgileZen for managing KANBAN processes and tasks. Any documention will be of great help.

Thanks and regards

Hi everybody,

I have 3 years of experience in java, hibernate,struts. Of late I changed over to a new organization. I took up this change to reflect on my past and to look ahead. I was wondering for a while what should I set as goals for me in the long-term and how to divide them into shor-term objectives.
I am talented and ambitious ,work diligently giving extra emphasis to building strong basics in all spheres of life. What can I do to translate my talent into realize my objectives.

Please drop in your comments if anybody has gone through this phase in life and been successful in achiving his goal.

I know this is such a generic query and there can be reams of paper written about that but I request specific mentoring from the people who have achived a lot in the industry and in life.

Thanks a lot.
12 years ago
Hi guys Why is Apache web server and Tomcat are integrated for certain applications? We can use Tomcat6 servlet container and use it independently in our application. Then why do we need to integrate it with The Apache Web server? What benefits does it entail?

How to integrate them?

Thanks a lot

13 years ago
Look guys this post reminds me the days when I first started working with Tomcat server and could not start the server manually. But goodness gracious I configured the Tomcat 5.5 server with Eclipse and it was easy starting and shutting down the server form eclipse.

But then I downloaded Tomcat 6 server and installed it on my Win XP computer by using the .exe file available at the site (32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer (pgp, md5)).
While installing I set the port number 1616 rather than the default 8080 as I was using 8080 for another server. That's it... there was no problem running the tomcat server from there on.
In the build folder of the tomcat look for the "commons daemon service manager" icon named tomcat6w. Double click on it ... you will get Apache Tomcat 6 properties window where you will see the Service status if it is stopped the click on the start button. Voila... your Tomcat 6 server starts running. If the status is 'started' stop it and start it again.

The same holds good for Tomcat 5.5 server as well.

Try once I am sure it will help.
13 years ago
hi Prakash

you wrote-

Yes we can do it. From Java1.6 onwards to create webservices we dont require any webservice frameworks.JAX-WS is part of JDK it self.

Developing webservices using jdk1.6 requires the service be placed in an application server. Which server do we use? An Axis2 server? or any other like Weblogic 10?
These Servers have their own way of deploying the webservice generated by their own webservice generating tools. How do we deploy jdk1.6 generated webservice in the app servers?
13 years ago

Is it necessary to be proficient at XML, JAXP, JAXB, SAAJ, JAXR? I know a little bit of JAXP and while writing the example program I saw It was not needed explicitely ,things were done at the background by the tools.

13 years ago
Hi everybody ,
I have learnt jax-rpc and have seen how other technologies like XML, JAXP, JAXB, SAAJ, JAXR play a significant role in the background to exchange SOAP messages between the Requester and the Provider. I have written example programs and run them on weblogic8 server using hibernate as ORM. The example program is running fine.

Is it necessary to be proficient at XML, JAXP, JAXB, SAAJ, JAXR? I know a little bit of JAXP and while writing the example program I saw It was not needed explicitely ,things were done at the background by the tools.

Another question is : every other server uses its own way of creating webservices and client generation, deployment of the service ; for instance weblogic8 does it in a way using servicegen and clientgen options , the Apache axis does it in a different way. Is there a way to create the services and generating clients be done in a vendor independent way?

What is the most widely used way of generating Webservices ( Axis server tools, or Java's own wsgen tool or any other )

I am now keen to learn JAX-WS. what are the things one should need to know and how is it different from JAX-RPC? Can you refer any good ebook or tutorial for learning jax-ws?

Thank you very much
13 years ago
Hi everybody,
I am building an application that includes struts, hibernate and webservices.
In package we have:-
The webservice is BookSuitesServiceClass which includes hibernate code inside.

In package we have the hibernate entity Suite

And in package we have certain ActionForms and Action classes

My question is how to put them together as a single application and deploy them in weblogic8 server. This webservice wiil be accessed by other applications like TravelSystem for booking hotel from the TravelSystem application.

Thanks a lot
13 years ago
hi christopher,

Yes payment can be made via a payment provider; the provider would have a payment service that you should be able to use.

Can this service be used as webservice?
What are to technologies possibly used in general for online payment ?

13 years ago
Hi Pierre-Hugues ,

But how is this startup argument added in weblogic8?

I am using myeclipse IDE is there a way to add that in the IDE?

13 years ago
Thanks Jeanne and Udara for the reply .

That means webservices is the integration technology here isn't it?
The hotel will keep updating inserting and deleting the data in their system when new visitors come which is independent of the travel system. How is the Travel system supposed to get the updated data when something changes at the hotel end.

What are the ways of allowing the user of the travel agent system to make online payment of their suite booking or car rental? who are the parties involved.
Could you show a class diagram of the activities involved in a online payment using credit card or debit card.

Thanks again.


hi Christopher ,

How are you integrating with these providers, are these “hotel's application” Web Services?

The problem is the integration part. The hotel application is operational for their hotel management purpose If I want to integrate the travel application with that application how should I approach this.
The hotel application is in struts hibernate, so is the travel app.
Are the hotel-application people supposed to provide me with some api(web-interface) may be in webservices or jms.

In gist what are the ways of doing application integration, the design patterns involved?

What is your main concern, determining what service to call (selecting the correct provider)?

When a user wants to see the hotel suite available from the travel app page he should get the updated data from the hotel application. And when the user wants to book a suite in that particular hotel from the travel-app page he would fill in his data name, age, no of person to stay,date ,stay-duration etc. This data should be updated at the hotel app.
What is the way to do it?

The payment mechanism depends on what service has been provided to you.

If the user wants to make the payment from the travel app application using his credit card or debit card for the hotel suite booking what are parties involved here? Travel app ,hotel app and a payment gateway service provider. how will these integration take place. I believe the payment gateway company would provide some api for doing this. What is your opinion.

For integration what technologies are used? and which one is the best?

13 years ago
Hello all,
What are the uses of JMS? Do we use that in application integration.
If yes can anybody please tell me how to integrate two applications one a Travel service which allows the user to insert data for booking a hotel and how hotel application does the processing and sends response to the hotel page.

Is there a better approach than JMS may be web-service rpc?

Thanks a lot
Hello everybody,
I am writing an application for a Travel company using hibernate, struts,jstl,oracle. It includes writing design and logic for Hotel Booking, Car rental, flight booking etc. These services are provided by the other registered companies.I am wondering as to how to design the application when my application wants to book a hotel suite in any of the registered hotels how will my application interact with that particular hotel's application and how will the hotel's application send me the confirmation response .

How do we integrate a payment gateway into our application how does the interaction take place.
I am using weblogic 8 server ,ant ,cvsnt as the other tools.

Thanks.Appreciate any suggestion put forward.
13 years ago
Hello Everybody ,
I have been using hprof for short example programs and found it quite handy.
Can anyone tell me how to run hprof in weblogic 8 server and profile my web application?
Thanks in advance.

13 years ago