Joseph Antoine Raja

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since Feb 01, 2010
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By default weblogic has a embedded LDAP server within . which is listening on the admin server's listen port.

for example if your WL ADMIN server is running on <hostXXX: 7004 > . then its embedded ldap server is available on ldap://hostXXX:7004

but if you enable the SSL port of the admin server (ex : 7008 ) then its available to ldaps//hostXXX:7008 as well.

but for your query : where can i check that ,my application is using ldap or ldaps?

if you have configure any external authentication provider with ldaps then your app is using ldaps . otherwise if it connects to the LDAP server through ldap then it uses ldap.

12 years ago
since you have mentioned that the migration has happened to WL 10.x . I am guessing that the issue is currently with WL10.x domain.

In normal case when the db pool reaches the max limit (in your case 40) it use to throw [Resource unavailable] exception when the connection request arrived . and then the db pool will be put into Overloaded state

but I'm not sure why it kills the wl server .

please check the server logs while the server is going down . to find the root cause for the shutdown . Wl server usualy says something like this in the logs

<shutdown requsted by <user> > / <JVM called shutdown hook>

the first one is normal shutdown issued by any user . the second one is a JVM overload issue (OOM/Stuck Thread...)

if possible trigger a thread dump during the issue .
12 years ago
Hi all,

we have a requirement from our team to find the list of weblogic domains which does not in operation for the last 1 year (i.e) [ weblogic server which simply running without any applications (or) application is simply deployed but not accessed at all for the last 1 yr ] .

we have come up with an idea of searching access logs of the wl servers . to find app contexts in the access requests apart from [/BEA & /WL_internal ]..

but the problem is our wl environment is like a farm setup which has around 350+ WL clustered domains. so, searching each and every access log is little heavy process .

Do any one have come across this situation before . or any other better approach is available for this . if yes please share your updates with us.

12 years ago

In JVM Diagnostics parameters like


options we are using [+/-] signs. what they are signifying here?

it seems + = Activate the option / -= deactivate the option

Is this is correct

Can some one provide light in this.
13 years ago
Can you please provide the complete structure information

Whether all the 4 managed servers are in 1 physical machine / 4 managed servers are configured in seperate Machine/

Then What is the Machine configuration

No of Processsor / RAM / Java parameters

14 years ago
-XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio= -- Maximum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid shrinking.
-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio= -- Minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion.

Please check this out

14 years ago
Hi Ashwin,

when the application is making too much call to DB and the DB connections are not released then comes the OVERLOADED issue.

But WL 9 and above versions of the servers having some control functions to connection pools

So you can stop the connection pool, refresh it and restart it again

to do this

go to

Services->Data Sources-><select the particular Data source> -> Control

this will shows the conditions of the Data source in all servers it has been targeted. Now check the respective server with overloaded issue and do STOP - CLEAR THE CONNECTION CACHE -- START

this is only a workaround. for complete resolution you have to monitor the DB usage and according to that you have to tune the connection pool parameters.

14 years ago
Hi Shane,

When you are integrating WL with MQ. you have to create BINDING file for MQ and WL integration.

This BINDING file contains the MQ configuration details [Queue name,hostname,port,channel name,channel type,Listen mode , etc..]

to create the .binding file you have to use the JMSAdmin command utility.

once you have created the .binding file you have to place it in the physical server and mention the <.binding> file for the Connection Factory's JNDI settings . So the MQ configurations will be loaded from the .binding file and the connection will be established.
14 years ago
Hi Lavanya,

To setup this JMS connection you should identify the WL version 8.1 (or) 9.2 and Later.

Because the Configuration model is totally different from WLS8 to WLS9

Assuming you are using WLS9 and later

1) create a JMS Server and target it to any WL servers
2) Create a JMS Module [ which is the collection of all customizable JMS components]
3) then inside the Module create a Connection Factory and Queue by specifying the necessary details [ JNDI name/ etc.. ]
4) target this components to the JMS server that you have created
5) Reboot the Admin / managed servers [ though this is not mandatory in WL9 this is highly recomended for clean configuration ]
6) once the server comes live check the JNDI tree whether the components are configured properly.

But I am not sure about the coding part.
14 years ago
I don't think there is any documentation for this

WL recommends JDK 5.0 and above in product catalog.

by default JDK6.0 to WSL9.0 will be supported with forward compatibility

the following configuration doc might be helpful.
14 years ago
I did not heard of anything like this

In which WLS version you are asking

Are you asking for side-by-side deployment
14 years ago
hi guru,

When we have migrated the env from WSL8 to WLS 9 we did not migrate the user credentials/security roles/policie. we have manually configured after the upgrade.

14 years ago
it seems that some jar file which consists of" searchbean" class is missing in /lib directory or in CLASSPATH
14 years ago

The answer is simple

when the less no of process and users are in server the CPU load/utilization will be low so your server process will utilize the maximum resources and events will be faster.

in case of too much of request and process the server has to wait for commit the events which will result in slowness.

14 years ago