Nisha gowda

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since Feb 23, 2010
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Recent posts by Nisha gowda

I need to write Junit tests for spring batch jobs. I have the samples with Junit tests available in spring. But the problem is there is no end to end explanation on how to write test for a single sample.

Anybody has any link or notes to write step by step junit test for spring batch job?
14 years ago
Thanks for the info.. Can you please let me know how to enable same feature if it is desktop application? Its just for my knowledge
14 years ago
I have written a class for creating excel sheet using jexcel API.

As of now I am hard coding the path of excel sheet eg c:\sample.xls. And the excel sheet is getting generated in c drive.

My requirement is that I should only set the name of the excel sheet and when I execute the program it must popup the "file download" box which asks whether we want to save the file or open the file with selected program.

Could you please help me in enabling this feature?

14 years ago
Thanks Sumeet,

Good explanation. Simple terms and demonstrated with example.
14 years ago
In my application we are using spring. All the database operations are through Hibernate. daoImpl class extends HibernateTemplate.

I observed that when code executes "this.getSession().save()" operation the same update command is executed many times (Can see these in server log)

All these statements are from Hibernate. So my question is this a normal behavior? why so many update commands to insert one row?
14 years ago
Thanks Bear,

I did it in service class which is used by controller and was able to populate dropdown with data from properties file
14 years ago

I am new to jsp. My requirement is, there is a "" file with following content


On my jsp page I need to create a dropdown box using the above file. i.e dropdown should show US, UK and UAE values.

I tried using resourcebundle and string tokenizer but couldn't succeed. Can somebody help me on this?
14 years ago

I need a help in writing a java program which loads a class dynamically.I have a sample.jar program at /home/nisha/sample.jar.

This sample.jar has MySample.class. I want to load Mysample.class dynamically using sample.jar. I want to pass sample.jar through source code and not by setting CLASSPATH env. Something like URI.getResource can be used.

I have idea on how to load a class file. But need help in passing the path of a jar file and loading MySample.class from test.jar

Could somebody help me?

14 years ago