Ankit Garg wrote:William, checkout this page, it contains the syntax to find the JNDI name of beans...
Thanks Ankit for the reply.
However, p1 & p2 are totally different applications, therefore I have to use the java:global notation.
Moreover, my aim is to eventually call the Remote Interface from another remote application server,
but if I am unable to call remote interfaces within the same app server, then I reckon Im gonna hava a problem with that:)
Anyway, I did some further research and by doing the
asadmin list-jndi-entries command I get the following:
java:global: com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.TransientContext
com.sun.enterprise.container.common.spi.util.InjectionManager: com.sun.enterprise.container.common.impl.util.InjectionManagerImpl
jdbc: com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.TransientContext
UserTransaction: com.sun.enterprise.transaction.TransactionNamingProxy$UserTransactionProxy
ejb: com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.TransientContext
p1: com.sun.enterprise.naming.impl.TransientContext
So p1 is listed in the JNDI dir of my Glassfish.
In fact, when I perform
the program doesn't complain.
Also, further to that, by doing
asadmin list-jndi-entries --context p1 I get the following:
XbajtBean__3_x_Internal_RemoteBusinessHome__: javax.naming.Reference
XbajtBean: javax.naming.Reference
XbajtBean#p1.XbajtBeanRemote: javax.naming.Reference
So, it seems my Bean and its Remote Interface are also listed in the JNDI dir under p1.
Yet, whenever I make a lookup call
I would get a Lookup Failed in Serial Context Exception.
Any further help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks a lot