bostian tov

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since Mar 11, 2010
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Recent posts by bostian tov

Where can i find working flash proxy.... because most proxies dont play flash... thanks

i wan to see website:
13 years ago
Does anyone uses TWiki system with perl? Have some problem with one of plugins... thanks
13 years ago
I have h:outputLink that calls method, that creates pdf report and opens file window, so we can save or open file. Is it possible to
somehow display some loading icon, until pdf is not prepared. Because it takes couple of second to do this.

a4j:support status="globalStatus" event="onclick" has no use, because onclick event is finished emidiatly...
13 years ago
In version 2 of google maps api there were some limitations using geocoding and calculate path between 2 points... i would like to know how is it in version 3?
Can i use those features without and limitations?
Well this data that i need is the same for all rows of table, but header is probably generated before iterator, so data is unavailable. I will then just create some bean property or something.
14 years ago
Yes the thing is that i have 2 rows in header... in 1.row i need some data, so if anyone know how to do that... because i didn't find any solution.
14 years ago
Why ins't value in datatable facet shown - #{subList.msisdnPK.msisdn}?

Outside of that facet value #{subList.msisdnPK.msisdn} is shown normaly...

14 years ago
My code:

So on startup data for locale sl_SI is beeing loaded. So do i need to have this code or should i change it somehow to get this working?

14 years ago
How can you access xml properties file from JFS(jsp) page? Now i am just refering to #{lng.someValue}
14 years ago
This is unmodified wsdl...
14 years ago
Now i am using plain text language properties, but have some more complex stuff and want to start using xml.


Call from jsf:



So how can i use xml file instead text file and what do i have to change? Thanks
14 years ago
.net generated wsdl for me, but i see there are some diffrences if i look at example java WSDL file (eclipse generated example). One thing for example is s:element where java wsdl has xsd:element. I have fixed that, somehow connected web service with web service methods, because by default in design this wasnt set. So everything looks ok, but when i try to add this file in web service client, i get this:

Selection must be WSDL.

So what should i set or change, to get this stuff working? Thanks

Generated code:

14 years ago
I have created .net web service, that accepts some arguments and return results. I have SOAP xml document available.

So how can i access this web service from my java desktop application? I am using SWING. Is there quick way to do this? Thanks
14 years ago
Sorry, i get:

And i am running with jetty... could that have some problems? I tried to change extend to httpServlet, and then it works, but i need to use jspServlet, so have to fix that problem
14 years ago
I have create servlet and extend it with jspServlet class. I also set servlet in my web.xml. When i try to start it i get an error:

14 years ago