i guess that leaves me with no other opton but to go for load balancing(which effectively means better hardware, edge server, routers etc).
I was also thinking abt the option of plain socket programming. under a study that i have conducted out here on solaris box, i have pounded my server program with approx 500 requests per second and each request effectively opens a new socket. but the server opens only 100 sockets per second which again puts me in a loop.i have also tuned certain parameters on unix(tcp_conn_req_max_q set to 1024, tcp_conn_req_max_q0 10240 ,tcp_time_wait_interval 60000). got this info from some web sites for optimal performance related to sockets.. :roll:
can C instead of Java cater to such an issue.... or can Java handle them but in a different way ....need some inputs!!!