Paresh Sharma

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since Nov 12, 2001
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Recent posts by Paresh Sharma

can you pl give the details of the configuration re the websphere boxes?
21 years ago
maybe a late response but it might help somebody,
heres the piece of code that works!!
obj_ArgHttpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" +sFileName + "\"");
ServletOutputStream obj_ServletOutputStream = obj_ArgHttpServletResponse.getOutputStream();
String sFileContent = obj_StringBufferSessionContent.toString();
sFileName is the excel file name,obj_StringBufferSessionContent is the content to be displayed.
use the Dispatcher technique to display it onto a jsp
21 years ago
You would need to remap your entity beans using either WSAD 4.x or VAJ 4.x so that the new schema mappings are generated.
21 years ago
pl check whether your folder installedApps under it read only..?? by any chance.
which OS are you using?? The filesystem should have proper file permissions so that EARExpander can work suitably. also logs would also be generated in activity.log against the error number specified. that would also lead to some details.
22 years ago
ya with 256M RAM, this is quite frequent. However, it runs smoothly with 512M
22 years ago
When we install websphere, we need to specify a database where we need to store the configurations of websphere itself. i am refering repository as this can be oracle /DB2.
the error that you are getting is probably because the tablespace allocated to the repository is not sufficient. plus there are some tables where you would need to increase the max extents. this problem can be ideally handled by a DBA who should increase the tablespace and check the scenario again.
hope it helps!!
22 years ago
you need to check the url that has been specified in the JDBC url..if possible post the URL on this forum.....
22 years ago
cud u pls specify where is the repository of it on oracle??
22 years ago
i guess that leaves me with no other opton but to go for load balancing(which effectively means better hardware, edge server, routers etc).
I was also thinking abt the option of plain socket programming. under a study that i have conducted out here on solaris box, i have pounded my server program with approx 500 requests per second and each request effectively opens a new socket. but the server opens only 100 sockets per second which again puts me in a loop.i have also tuned certain parameters on unix(tcp_conn_req_max_q set to 1024, tcp_conn_req_max_q0 10240 ,tcp_time_wait_interval 60000). got this info from some web sites for optimal performance related to sockets.. :roll:
can C instead of Java cater to such an issue.... or can Java handle them but in a different way ....need some inputs!!!
22 years ago
Hi Rahul,
We are not doing database hits for these 2000 requests. for that, we are planning to implement a caching strategy.
but the basic problem is that the webserver is not able to accept requests to the tune of 2000 per sec. There are a lot of websites that claim such a figure but i am not pretty sure whether this figure is applicable to my scenario.
wud need an opinion from your side.
22 years ago
I am dealing with a scenario that handles 2000 requests per second with a processing time of 100ms. Is Websphere(or any appserver for that matter) capable of handling such a load. I have done some homework regarding this and to my knowledge webservers are capable of handling only 150-200 requests per second. Other subsequent requests get blocked and leads to drastic degradation in the performance. Also there are IO exceptions being thrown at the client side
I have an E250 Sun Solaris machine with 2 processors each of 400MHz and 2GB RAM. Would be needing some inputs as to how to cater such a load. Looking for IBM solutions specifically but in case there are any other solutions to this, it would great help. Do I have to go for server farming???
22 years ago
Hi All,
I am in the process of developing an application that handles 2000 requests/sec.
Is Iplanet webserver capable of mantaining the load??? Since I am fairly new to Iplanet, I would request your cooperation in this regard.
wat are the queuing issues related to iplanet?? would it be able to give me the throughput as specified as above without queuing these web requests???
22 years ago
I am working on WAS 3.5.6. I am facing a typical problem of "Illegal use of 1 phase
resource in transaction, 2 phase commit was attempted with 1 phase resource" whenever i am trying to save a transaction. using the trace file, i have found that the values to to stored in the transaction are fine till the time the final commit is failed where it throws this error. I recall having faced this problem with WAS 4.0 but this was resolved in 4.0.2.
has anybody faced a similar situtation with WAS 3.5 version. there should be some fix packs but i am not sure abt this.
could anybody help me on this !!!
22 years ago
Could anyone provide me some details about the environment.
I have websphere 3.5.4 on Sun Solaris machine(Single node 400 MHz processor Sparc)
There are total of five instances of Websphere distributed under two domains.(3 in one and two in another)
Each App server has around 90 beans out of which 20 are entity beans.
Apart from Websphere, the repository and application database(for one websphere app server)is also on the same machine.(ie Oracle)
IBM HTTP Server is also on sun solaris machine.
I am facing some serious performance issues. Need some advice as to what should be best possible environment and that if there are any changes in hardware/tuning parameters that are to be done???
22 years ago
You can always check up whether you have started the administrative service by looking at the tracefile.(Solaris) It should indicate that
"Websphere is open for e-business"
For NT, check up the services panel.
22 years ago