Claudia Vaz

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since Nov 13, 2001
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Recent posts by Claudia Vaz

I want to calculate the age of the person using his birth date.
Can you help me?
Claudia Vaz
21 years ago
I need to add and subtract dates in Java.
How can i do it?
Thanks in advance
Claudia Vaz
21 years ago
I have a field in Oracle database that increments throught a sequence.
When i do a insert the field is incremented. How can i get the number in that field?
Claudia Vaz
How can i select sorted information from Ldap?
Is it possible? Is there a driver to achieve this?
Thanks for the help
Claudia Vaz
I have a web application, that at a certain moment has to update a table. However, someone in another session of the application may be trying to update the same row. So, a want to lock the table or the row to prevent this.
How can i do it?
Thanks in advance
Claudia Vaz
I have an EJB which create and activate is a connection to the database through pools in Weblogic6.1.
What happens to the pools during the time the database is shutdown?
after the restart of the database, the pools are active, but where do they point for?

thanks in advance
I have a sessionEJB which create and active methods create connections to a database via JDBC. The EJB has a method call getData() that executes a query.
I also have a Web Application that in the first jsp creates an instance of the EJB and saves it into a session variable. In the second jsp, i get the EJB from the session variable and execute the method getData.
The EJB and WebApllication are deployed in Weblogic6.1.
The Database is shutdown every night.
In the case of weblogic6.1 in Windows plataform every thing is ok!. The problem is when the plaform is solaris. The database used is the same for Windowns and Solaris.
Every first time in a day that i try to use the web application, it throws the Exception: java.sql.SQLException: No more data to read from socket. the exception is throwned when i try to execute the method getData.
I stop the server(weblogic), start it and the problem disapears until the next morning!?!?
I am confused!!! Can anyone help me? It�s urgent!!!
The solution does not work! The method getServletContext() is not known!!!
I did the import of java.servlet.* but it stills not recognize the method!

Claudia Vaz
22 years ago
I have two web apllications in the Weblogic server but in different context roots.
From a Jsp page of the first application i want to do a forward or redirect to the other application and pass some parameters.
I have the parameters in the session (session.setAttribute(..)), but i can change it.
If i do "response.sendRedirect("http://localhost:7001/application2.jsp")" i lose the session!
If i use the "<jsp:forward page="../application2/index.jsp"/>", it does not work beacause the applications are in differents contexts!
How can i resolve this???
I can always do response.sendRedirect("http://localhost:7001/application2/index.jsp?parameter1=xpto¶meter2=gggg") but this is no a very nice way if i have many parameters to pass.

Thanks in advance
Hope somemone helps
Claudia Vaz
22 years ago
I have two web apllications in the Weblogic server but in different context roots.
From a Jsp page of the first application i want to do a forward or redirect to the other application and pass some parameters.
I have the parameters in the session (session.setAttribute(..)), but i can change it.
If i do "response.sendRedirect("http://localhost:7001/application2.jsp")" i lose the session!
If i use the "<jsp:forward page="../application2/index.jsp"/>", it does not work beacause the applications are in differents contexts!
How can i resolve this???
I can always do response.sendRedirect("http://localhost:7001/application2/index.jsp?parameter1=xpto¶meter2=gggg") but this is no a very nice way if i have many parameters to pass.

Thanks in advance
Hope somemone helps
Claudia Vaz
22 years ago
In a Jsp application i can access session EJB.
I have two questions:
1. I instantiate a EJB session in a Jsp. When i do a submit or forward to another page, do the EJB session stills remains?
2. If i have a class in the EJB session with variables (like a JavaBean class), does the values of those variables are lost?

Thanks in advance
Hope someone can help!
Claudia Vaz
I have an href that does a submit of a form. The code is
"<a href="Javascript: document.dadosPessoais.submit();">"
My problem is when a person click's more than one time the href and the form is submited more than one time. It creates an error. How can i lock the link after the first submit?

thanks in advance
Claudia Vaz
I am using Weblogic 6.1 and i have an EJB deployed with the JNDI name "LerBD.LerHome".
I want to connect to this EJB through a Web Application that is also in the Weblogic 6.1 (the same server). For that i have Java Helper class that uses the url = "t3://localhost:7001" and the JNDI_NAME=LerBD.LerHome.
When i run the Web application weblogic gives the following error: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: LerBD.LerHome
at LigacaoEJB.class$(
at LigacaoEJB.lookupHome(
at LigacaoEJB.LerConteudo(
at jsp_servlet._index._jspService(".
If i use this class as a single Java class it works.
Can anyone help me? I hava no idea...
Thanks in advance
Claudia Vaz
I have a javascript function (ContentComboBox) that is called when a javascript OnChange event occurs.
the code on this javascript function is
"function ContentComboBox(distritos)
document.all.concelhos.innerHTML = <%=DataBase(xxx)%>;
DataBase is a java function and xxx is the value of the javascript variable distritos.
My problem is: How do i pass the value of distritos, which is a javascript variable, into the Java function (DataBase). What�s the sintax?
Thanks for the help.
Claudia Vaz
22 years ago
I have a bean that is declared in the following way
<jsp:useBean id="beanBO" class="beans.beanBO" scope="session"/>
In the same page i save data to the bean.
In the same jsp page i also have a href. When i click on it i go to another jsp page but i loose the data that i saved in the bean.
What�s the problem???
22 years ago