Prateek Parekh

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since Apr 17, 2010
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It does this by providing a local representation of a remote object.

This is all you need in the question to determine that its a Transfer Object.

Mahendran Nivethitha wrote:Thank you prateek whick book or websites can i refer for jsp and servlets

There are few good posts related to Java Interviews on stackoverflow that you might find helpful.
14 years ago
One way would be to convert the array into a Tree Set.
14 years ago

Vikas Kapoor wrote:I did not mean to be rude and it's upto OP if he wants to reply.

Free. A Google search will help.
14 years ago
That's an unreasonable question. But, I liked Fight Club (and American Beauty and American History X). Those films just popped into my mind when I read the post.
14 years ago
Apache has an HTTP web server. It is very popular for languages like PHP.

But, the Container that you are probably referring to is Apache Tomcat which is different in the sense that it understands how to process JSP/Servlets. You also need the jar file (servlet-api.jar) that contains the classes and interfaces required for JSP/Servlet development.
Tomcat provides you with additional services like Threading, Security, servlet life cycle, logging, etc

Finally, there is J2EE Server that you use for your EJB deployment. Glassfish server is an example. It also provides additional EJB specific services including Transaction Management, Life cycle management, etc.

By the way, did you need any Mock test emulator or the sample mocks were enough?
14 years ago
How about reviewing important concepts like Collections, Threads, Networking, Polymorphism, Event Listeners, etc from a book like Head First Java? It will be much better than just going through some FAQ on an interview website. If you are short on time, there are "bullet points" at the end of every chapter in Head First Java.
14 years ago
Are you sure you followed all the instructions? Did you verify the deployment directory structure?

Hint: All your projects should go in $CATALINA_HOME/webapp directory.
14 years ago
Also, you might want to review "Checked" and "Unchecked" exceptions.
14 years ago
If you are taking the effort to prepare for the certification in order to get a job, a Sun (now Oracle) brand will be more useful and easily recognized by HR departments. On the other hand, if you are short on cash and only want to brush up on the fundamental concepts, Brainbench is fine too.
14 years ago
In Unix
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/path/to/new/directory

It should be similar in windows.

The bottom line is you have to append the new path to the existing environment variable ($CLASSPATH in unix case) via the : operatior. A quick google search will reveal the equivalent Windows command.
14 years ago
If I understood your question correctly, you don't want the HourlyEmployee member variables/methods in one of your NightShfit Employee object?
Since, your NightShiftEmployee inherited the HourEmployee class, it will have all of the variables of super class. You cannot skip the HourlyEmployee constructor. If you only want the members of the Employee class, you should directly inherit Employee. May be, create a new NightShiftEmployeeNoRate class. But, this is not good design.
14 years ago
Preferably something that integrates well with a Flex front end. Yes the Spring Security guys say this is possible, but all examples seem to use legacy jsp tag libraries making them half useless as examples. I don't want to spend a month setting up and learning how to use a security tool. I would like a tool which supports using annotations (@RolesAllowed etc), MINIMAL XML, and 'remember-me' features (not cookie based).

Apache Shiro seems to support Flex/Silverlight/Swing as well but I'd like to know if there are any other alternatives that are NOT container specific.
14 years ago

I'm about to take the exam for the second time and I'm finding it a real struggle to remember everything for the same reasons. I have been a Java developer for nearly 10 years and most of the topics on this exam are totally new to me and I have been asking myself why I chose to do this one (still can't work out the answer!). I have yet to come across an application in my working life that actually uses JSPs, Tags, JSTL, or EL but I'm sure there are some somewhere. I just want to get this out of the way so I can get my life back!

I understand your reasoning, but am wondering why are you preparing for the test, if it isn't really going to be valuable addition to your skill set?

Also, you mentioned that you haven't come across applications that use JSTL, EL, JSPs, etc. I'm assuming that it is because of the availability of other frameworks like Spring. Correct?