Roger Rammer

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since Apr 19, 2010
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Good comment Ernest. I loved Calculus, Algebra and Number theory on my degree course although it is going back a few years ago and I dont have much use for it now

I loved the theorems, proofs, equations, partial differential equations, writing in Greek

Ernest Friedman-Hill wrote:Rog --

I'm lucky enough to work on software in the artificial intelligence and simulation fields. I've used tons of linear algebra and even some vector calculus in my work. I've computed volumes and areas, intersections and overlaps, permutations and combinations, and loved it all. But I'll grant that this is unusual, and I suspect you're right, that most programmers need precious little maths.

13 years ago
Yes, its a little like having some suspects in an identity parade.

Dan Singh was also in there as was Joe King! Joe Smith looks completely innocent here ;-)

Rog Rammer(Rog is short for Roger btw)

Anyway what sort of programs has everybody been writing? I love writing programs which access databases.....

IT Careers

Mat Hematician wrote:

W. Joe Smith wrote:(I also have suspicions about Rog Rammer as a real name, as it is very close to Prog Rammer, but I will let a moderator make that call)

I am shocked - shocked! - at your suggestion that Rog might not be using a real name. I'm sure he comes from a long, proud line of Rammers, just as I come from a long, proud line of Hematicians.

("Joe Smith", yeah right, that seems real...)

13 years ago
There is a difference here between Maths and logic in some ways-that why aptitude tests test them separately. The test with the shapes etc is separate from the ones which ask you to look at sets of numbers and work out the next one. I think what has happened is that Logic is done easily by mathematicians so they have gobbled it up ;-)

I think as web applications have evolved, HTML and scripting languages and programming languages have converged. HTML will never be programming-it is a part of web design. JSP/ASP involves you writing program code. Javascript/VBscript are scripting languages which allow you to apply programmatic logic to web pages but are still not programming languages.

IT Careers

fred rosenberger wrote:

1) I could not disagree more. But I probably have a different definition of 'math' than you. I consider logic, in all it's forms, to be math. All the control statements, all the boolean logic, heck - even devising your algorithm for what you're going to code - in my mind, that's ALL math.

2) HTML used to not be a programming language. I haven't kept up on it at all, so I don't know what's in the new HTML 5 standard (or whatever it is).

3) Finally, I don't think there is such a thing as "too much math knowledge", any more than there is "too much literacy". How can more knowledge of any kind be a bad thing?

13 years ago
A friend and I were discussing again.

He said programming requires too much maths knowledge-I said that you just need to know the basics (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication). He also reckons HTML is a programming language ;-)

What do you think?
13 years ago
5. An exam engine-one which sets questions and marks it
6. A bank account program
7. A loan calculator(calculates repayments over a period of time)
8. A Calculator
9. A text editor
10. A File utilities program-file renaming and file format/writing tools

Even if these programs already exist, feel free to write your one new version..

Rog Rammer wrote:How about creating some "user controls" do run on a web application. I note that there might be one on this site. If you look underneath this thread i note there is an advert which links to sites such as Courses. That looks like a user control written in say C# which keeps changing the links.


13 years ago
In addition, programmers have to be able to analyze and create solutions so that their programs will work. Obviously programmers can ask questions(of fellow programmers) but long term the ability to think clearly/logically and solve puzzles/conundrums is also necessary and critical.

Rog Rammer wrote:There are plenty of sites and threads out there with answers. this is a very interesting thread to encourage you to think and look for answers. In this thread, visitors will know there are no answers and go looking for them. Does this count as an answer ;-)

My question: Why arent there more threads like this? No answers please ;-)


What's the point? Can't you do the same thing by reading the forum and ignoring the responses?


13 years ago
Awww :-)

I was trying to get visitors to write a user control ;-) Ah well I tried!


salvin francis wrote:

Rog Rammer wrote:That looks like a user control written in say C# which keeps changing the links.

Nope thats probably made in javascript with a code to constantly query the server for next advertisement.

13 years ago
How about creating some "user controls" do run on a web application. I note that there might be one on this site. If you look underneath this thread i note there is an advert which links to sites such as Courses. That looks like a user control written in say C# which keeps changing the links.


Rog Rammer wrote:I will leave the choice of platform/environment/ desktop-web app-web service to the programmer. Its the ideas I am coming up with.

I like the one about the database-I had that idea too and wrote a progrm which allowed to you write SQL-type queries(to create tables and insert/delete data etc) when you use the program. It was written in C++ way back. The program used a command-line interface :-(


salvin francis wrote:believe me , the program sally is quite intelligent, she just does not 'know' it yet

Both those programs were approached, as you stated,
"Just get in there and write some code, especially early on"
though i did do some planning before starting them (and i am still planning it.)

I am a bit biased towards web based application, as i feel that they reach more masses than your traditional desktop based application.

A great idea that I had though in my college days:

An application that creates database on the fly and provides a configurable GUI to control that database.
This would be a huge application that will be able to create Any Co-application.

eg: A jeweler could use jewelery based template, a College can use a college based template, etc.
Any one should be a able to create new screens/ modify a template to suit his needs, map the fields to database tables and get it running immediately !!

13 years ago
I will leave the choice of platform/environment/ desktop-web app-web service to the programmer. Its the ideas I am coming up with.

I like the one about the database-I had that idea too and wrote a progrm which allowed to you write SQL-type queries(to create tables and insert/delete data etc) when you use the program. It was written in C++ way back. The program used a command-line interface :-(


salvin francis wrote:believe me , the program sally is quite intelligent, she just does not 'know' it yet

Both those programs were approached, as you stated,
"Just get in there and write some code, especially early on"
though i did do some planning before starting them (and i am still planning it.)

I am a bit biased towards web based application, as i feel that they reach more masses than your traditional desktop based application.

A great idea that I had though in my college days:

An application that creates database on the fly and provides a configurable GUI to control that database.
This would be a huge application that will be able to create Any Co-application.

eg: A jeweler could use jewelery based template, a College can use a college based template, etc.
Any one should be a able to create new screens/ modify a template to suit his needs, map the fields to database tables and get it running immediately !!

13 years ago
Both very good ideas. Whereas some of mine are classic programs yours are a little more modern. I hope lots of visitors are listening to them :-)

6. A bank account program. Either one which administers bank accounts or one which simulates a cash machine. There must be money in that.

salvin francis wrote:Well I had these visions:

1. An FAQ that actually Talks!!
2. An 'Infinite' desktop.

Both the ideas have been implemented @ my site, but they are not complete yet...

13 years ago
There are plenty of sites and threads out there with answers. this is a very interesting thread to encourage you to think and look for answers. In this thread, visitors will know there are no answers and go looking for them. Does this count as an answer ;-)

My question: Why arent there more threads like this? No answers please ;-)


What's the point? Can't you do the same thing by reading the forum and ignoring the responses?


13 years ago
Of course with programs you see on the net or on your pc, theres nothing to stop you developing "some of it". In other words write some of the logic that you know you can do. I dont really think theres a need to develop it in a formal way(with complete systems analysis etc...). Just get in there and write some code, especially early on. When youve written lots of code you can then stand back and say right "A" works and "B" doesnt work and then approach it in a more formal way.

Rog Rammer wrote:Dont worry-I wont broadcast it to the thousands of visitors to this site ;-)

The programs I have suggested are not necessarily the software you would see on your pc or on the internet but they are just as valid. The ones I have suggested are typical programs you might see in a computer programming course as an assessment or a program to develop and expand later on. They are only suggestions, if you have an interest in these areas then it may be the only program you write for a while. Anyway as far as this thread is concerned, the more the merrier.

Another suggestion is:

5. A text editor

Have fun!

salvin francis wrote:ssshh dont tell anyone...

13 years ago
Dont worry-I wont broadcast it to the thousands of visitors to this site ;-)

The programs I have suggested are not necessarily the software you would see on your pc or on the internet but they are just as valid. The ones I have suggested are typical programs you might see in a computer programming course as an assessment or a program to develop and expand later on. They are only suggestions, if you have an interest in these areas then it may be the only program you write for a while. Anyway as far as this thread is concerned, the more the merrier.

Another suggestion is:

5. A text editor

Have fun!

salvin francis wrote:ssshh dont tell anyone...

13 years ago
Thanks Salvin, has anyone else written some programs, ideas which they would like to share?

salvin francis wrote:good ideas.

13 years ago