Jan Andersson

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since Nov 19, 2001
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Aha, that RFQ should do it... So subsequent requests after logging in should include:


Dirk: No problem. But right now it doesn't do much besides logging in. I need to fix this cookie thing before seeing any results. I�ll get back to you then.
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: Jan Andersson ]
22 years ago
I'm writing a small Java application that logs in to my mail.com webmail account and retrives the new message headers if any.
By http POSTing I've managed to log in but the webmail service relies on a cookie being present. So when I try to GET the page on which the new mails are listed mail.com thinks I'm logged out since it can't read the cookie.
How to I manage cookies in Java? It should be possible since there are Java web browsers (i think...).
Greatful for any tips and ideas!
/Jan Andersson
22 years ago
Ok good (I suppose).
Reason for asking is that I read in one of M Greens tests that there might be questions like that.
In JQ+ on each question there's an indication on how many answers should be picked. Is it the same om the real exam?
On the real exam, is it possible to get a multiple choice question where none of the choices are correct?
Are there any difference between these two:

[This message has been edited by Jan Andersson (edited November 19, 2001).]