kiran bayyana

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since Aug 15, 2000
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Recent posts by kiran bayyana

I recently started learning WSAD with the documentation available with it. So, my question maybe a little basic, but bear with me. I opened a JSP project and started designing a simple login form GUI. I have added a title, a form and few basic controls to the form. But the GUI doesn't seem to be very good. I mean I can't move around the controls with the mouse as I like. I have to apply indent to move any control, otherwise it wouldn't move at all. Is it designed that way, or am I doing something wrong? I mean there has to be a way to move the controls on the design form easily because that's such a basic thing.
20 years ago
I got the solution for my problem. Actually, I am writing a jsp include tag and including another HTML file. So, since there are two BODY tags, the onLoad event of BODY is not working. Anyway, thanks William for your reply.
23 years ago
Hi all,
I am developing a JSP file and I wrote code for animating two images for that file. I want to run that code(JS function) in the body load event. But if I have JSP tags in my files, BODY's onload event is not working. I tried it without JSP tags(pure HTML and JS) and with other event handlers, it is working fine. Anybody, pls help. I tried image onLoad also, but it is getting into a loop continuously downloading the two images from the server.
- Kiran
23 years ago
I searched a lot to change my web host geocities before. But I couldn't find this type of free web hosting supporting Servlets, JSP. Now I decided to change my host to one of them. Manav, can u please tell me which one is the best among those three. Which one r u using? Can u tell me any other good sites like this? Two of the three sites r supporting mySQL database. I don't know mySQL but I can learn for the purpose. So, I should select from the two. I would like to have ur advice. Thank you.

thank u very much manav. Ur reply helped a lot.
Thank u both for ur replies. Manav, can u please explain me in detail about accessing the Access database with Java applet(in view of Geocities webpage)? Do u want me to use LiveConnect or simply calling an applet from HTML and accessing the database with JDBC? Do u think Geocities support JDBC driver?
I am developing a website on Yahoo!Geocities. Now I want to have some kind of database connection to store my data. Only Access files r listed in geocities supported files. I know that I should use Server-side javascript to get database connection. But can anybody tell me how to get connected to Access database thru server-side JS. Or r they any other ways to do this? Anybody who developed websites with geocities etc. please help me. Waiting for the response. Thank you.
- Kiran
Thank u very much for ur reply. I think the problem is not with my code because I did everything properly. I got the answer for my previous problem. I am using JavaWebServer2.0. Because it has it's own classpath settings, the problem originated. It is not recognizing the driver. I copied all the driver classes in the servlets directory of the server where it can recognize. Now the message is changed saying that Inet Sprinta 2000 driver need JVM1.2 or higher. I am using JDK1.2. How to know the JVM version and how to solve this problem? Thanks again.
Hi all,
I am working with Servlets and JDBC right now. I am facing a problem. I hope any of you people can help me out. I worked with Servlets program and JDBC program. Both r working fine. When I club the JDBC program into the Servlets program appropriately and run the servlet in a web browser, I am getting an error saying that "No Suitable Driver". Do I need to register my driver with the webbrowser? I mean do I need to do any browser settings for the driver? I am using I-net Sprinta2000 type-4 JDBC driver. And I am using SQL-Server 7 for back-end. Hope I will get around with my problem with all of ur help. Thank you.
When I went to IBM's website for UML test details, they wrote that we have to write a pre-assessment test and get 75% in that, then immediately they will give the free voucher for taking the exam. If we didn't write the test or if we didn't get 75% in the test, can't we write the exam for free, I mean can't we get the free voucher? Anybody who attended the exam, please clarify my doubt. Thank you.
- Kiran
My name is Kiranmayi. I passed the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam with 92%. I completed my Master's Degree in Computer Applications in Nagarjuna University, India during the year June 1999. I have more than one year experience in Java/VB programming. I am seeking a challenging position in the software development in a reputed organization where I can apply my knowledge and skills. Right now, I am staying in Texas and willing to relocate if I get a good offer. For further communication, or for my resume, please contact me through e-mail at the following address:
Thanking u,
Yours faithfully,
24 years ago
Hi Surya and Aruna,
Static methods cannot be overridden. They just hide the superclass method. So they r resolved at compile-time only. The compiler doesn't keep them for run-time binding. Therefore, the type of the reference variable(not the type of the actual object) determines which version to use.
So, here when dealing with static method, the type of the ref. var determined which method to call, but when dealing with ord.method, the type of the object determined which method to invoke.
This same behaviour is obtained when dealing with overriding(actually hiding) private methods also.
Hope this helped u,
In my post above, I didn't mean u cannot create instances of class T and cannot change its instance variables. We CAN create instances of a final class and change the values of its instance vars. We just cannot subclass the final class, so the methods in it cannot be overridden. Just get out of ur confusion of creating instance and creating subclass.
Hi Anil,
The JLS calls any exception that derives from the class Error or the class RuntimeException an unchecked exception.All other exceptions r called checked exceptions.
It is the checked exceptions that r the ones u should deal with either by handling them or declaring in throws clause that they r not handled. Unchecked exceptions r either beyond ur control(Error) or result from conditions that u should not have allowed in the first place while programming(i.e., they r user mistakes while programming)(RuntimeException).
Unchecked Exceptions r called so because the compiler does not check to see if a method handles them, or throws them.
Hi Krishna,
U r right. An anonymous inner class cannot have explicit constructors. So, we can't say new anonyclass(5);
In the 3 options, only the third one is correct. 1 is not correct because there is no need of braces after the declaration of a class. The declaration is
class Interface1 { }