check this article out :
6- Xalan and Xerces - Not just for the Ancient Greeks anymore
One of the more common questions that we hear in WebSphere support
is, "How do I setup WebSphere to use the Xerces.jar and Xalan.jar
that is distributed with Apache rather than using the Xerces.jar
and Xalan.jar that is is distributed with WebSphere?"
For quite some time, the answer was, "You can't do that." The
problem was that the Adminserver required the use of WebSphere's
Xalan and Xerces files. But your voices have been heard and
there is now an approved method for using Apache-based Xalan
and Xerces files in WebSphere Application Server V3.5.3.
E-fix PQ47050 resolves your problem if properly applied and if used
in conjunction with inserting the correct classpath statement
for each application server. The e-fix can be downloaded from You also need to add the following string to the command
line arguments for each application server using xalan and
-classpath ....:xxx/xalan.jar:xxx/xerces.jar...
Substitute the directory where you have stored the
jars for the xxx. If you are using Windows NT then use semi-colons
instead of colons. Restart the server so that the classpath
takes effect.