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Bruce Phillips

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I read through all the reviews on Amazon and also googled "What is new in Head First Design Patterns, 2nd Edition?"

I did read through the table of contents and introduction that is shown on the "look inside" feature in Amazon.

I did read through the publisher's description of the book.
3 years ago
I own the first edition of Head First Design Patterns (2004).  A 2nd edition was released in Dec 2020.  

Looking over the table of contents I cannot tell what is new in the 2nd edition.

I really enjoyed the 1st edition of Head First Design Patterns and would happily purchase the 2nd edition if I can get more information on what's new in the 2nd edition.

Thank You,

3 years ago
I've worked my way through the two Java 11 Study Guides by Selikoff/Boyarsky (excellent books).  I passed the 1Z0-815 and was preparing fo the 1Z0-816 when Oracle retired those exams.  Since I have a Java 6 certification I've decided to just take the 1Z0-817.

Here are the topics covered on 1Z0-817 and I've written the chapters from the two study guides I think I need to review prior to the exam.  Any help on if I've missed something please let me know.

Review exam topics

Understanding Modules (Book 1 - Chap 11 )

- Describe the Modular JDK
- Declare modules and enable access between modules
- Describe how a modular project is compiled and run

Migration to a Modular Application (Book 2 - Chap 6)

- Migrate the application developed using a Java version prior to SE 9 to SE 11 including top-down and bottom-up migration, splitting a Java SE 8 application into modules for migration
- Use jdeps to determine dependencies and identify way to address the cyclic dependencies

Services in a Modular Application (Book 2 - Chap 6)

- Describe the components of Services including directives
- Design a service type, load services using ServiceLoader, check for dependencies of the services including consumer and provider modules

Local Variable Type Inference (Book 1 - Chap 2)

- Use local variable type inference
- Create and use lambda expressions with local variable type inferred parameters

Java Interfaces (Book 1 Chap 6 and Chap 9)

- Create and use methods in interfaces
- Define and write functional interfaces

Lambda Expressions (Book 1 Chap 6)

- Create and use lambda expressions
- Use lambda expressions and method references
- Use built-in functional interfaces including Predicate, Consumer, Function, and Supplier
- Use primitive and binary variations of base interfaces of java.util.function package

Lambda Operations on Streams (Book 2 Chap 4)

- Extract stream data using map, peek and flatMap methods
- Search stream data using search findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch and noneMatch methods
- Use the Optional class
- Perform calculations using count, max, min, average and sum stream operations
- Sort a collection using lambda expressions
- Use Collectors with streams, including the groupingBy and partitioningBy operation

Parallel Streams (Book 2 Chap 7)

- Develop the code that use parallel streams
- Implement decomposition and reduction with streams

Java File I/O (NIO.2) (Book 2 Chap 9)

- Use Path interface to operate on file and directory paths
- Use Files class to check, delete, copy or move a file or directory
- Use Stream API with Files

Language Enhancements (Book 1 Chap 10 and Book 2 Chap 5)

- Use try-with-resources construct
- Develop code that handles multiple Exception types in a single catch block
3 years ago
Oracle should update this page: which still says the path to Java 11 Certification is to take and pass 1Z0-815 and then take and pass 1Z0-816.  There is nothing on the page about 815/816 being retired as of Oct 1 or of a new 1Z0-819 exam.
I don't understand why Oracle cannot keep 1Z0-815, 1Z0-816, and 1Z0-819 around.  Oracle could easily make it clear that there are two paths to certification:  1Z0-815/816 or 1Z0-819.  After a year or so announce that 1Z0-815/816 is being retired in another year to give those who started on the 815/816 path plenty of time to complete it.

I took the 1Z0-815 and passed it in June, waited for Jeanne's and Scott's book to come out, and have started preparing for 1Z0-816.  But I won't be ready to take that exam before Oct 1.  

So now I'm stuck having paid for 1Z0-815 exam.  For me I'd rather take 1Z0-816 with its tighter focus then the 1Z0-819.  

It ridiculous and unfair for Oracle to penalize those people who have already completed the 1Z0-815 exam.  815 and 816 exams have not been out for very long.

I've passed the 1Z0-815 Java 11 Developer Part I exam.

I'm now using OCP Java SE 11 Programmer II Study Guide (really excellent book) to study the MANY 1Z0-816 exam subjects.  I'm only on Chapter 4 but feel overwhelmed by the huge amount of knowledge I'm expected to memorize to prepare for the 1Z0-816 exam.  If I read one more statement from the book "Memorize this table" (the table has 10 rows and six columns!) I might jump out my window.

I wonder how many people have taken and passed the Java 11 Part II exam and what the average score is.

Is it possible that Java has become so big that it's not realistic to expect developers to have such detailed and comprehensive knowledge about all the nooks and crannies of Java 11?

I've been a Java programmer for over 10 years and was previously certified on Java 6.  Now we have two different tests to take and pass to get certified on Java 11.  

The good news is that I am learning a lot about Java features I don't use much (e.g. bounded wildcards, annotations, functional interface default methods).  

Anyone who has passed Java 11 Part II exam please weigh in.  I especially would like to hear from people who took the 1Z0-816 exam and did not pass the first time.

Thank You,

Studying for this extensive exam should greatly improve your skills and introduce you to new techniques. For example, I'd hadn't really heard about Tag files before studying for this exam, but now I used them in my web applications.

I believe also that having these certifications helps show your current employer that your serious about your craft. For future employers, a certification will at least get your resume more attention and perhaps lead to an interview.

I don't want to get into a discussion of specific questions that are on the exam (which I just took and passed) but this area of whether or not we can expect autoboxing to occur when providing a primitive value as an argument to HttpSession setAttribute method needs to be clarified further (despite my earlier post on the errata to the HFSJ book).

This errata should answer your question:

The question reads:
Given req is a reference to a valid HttpServletRequest, and:
13. String[] s = req.getCookies();
14. Cookie[] c = req.getCookies();
15. req.setAttribute("myAttr1", "42");
16. req.setAttribute("myAttr2", 42);
17. String[] s2 = req.getAttributeNames();
18. String[] s3 = req.getParameterValues("attr");

Which lines of code will not compile? (Choose all that apply.)
A. line 13
B. line 14
C. line 15
D. line 16
E. line 17
F. line 18

The soultion says that Answer D is not correct. "-Option D: setAttribute() takes a String and an Object, and as of Java 5, 42 can be boxed to an Object."

While this may be true for Java 5, this exam does not test on Java 5 as noted on page xxviii of the book:

"About the SCWCD (for Java EE 1.5) exam
The updated SCWCD exam is called “Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5” (CX-310-083), but don’t get confused by the title. The updated exam is still designed for Java EE v1.4 and for the servlet v2.4 and JSP v2.0 specifications."

Which means autoboxing does not exist and Answer D IS correct. Line 16 will not compile.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Agreed. Drop option D and line 16 from the question here and on pg 811

I'm using Enthuware Test Studio's JWebPlus V5 for SCWCD 5

It's very helpful in pinpointing what certification objects I need to study further.
Glad you figured out how to use it.

The variable directive does show up on my Enthuware SCWCD mock exams.

Here's another example for people to use (this one uses the name-from-attribute and scope of "AT_BEGIN")



The <@ variable name-from-attribute="var" scope="AT_BEGIN" alias="yearBorn" %> means when the tag is called the value for the var attribute will be the name of the variable to set in the calling page. The alias="yearBorn" means in the tag file whatever value is given to yearBorn will be the value given to the var attribute's value in the calling page (in my example the var="brithYear".

The scope="AT_BEGIN" means that the birthYear value will be available from the beginning of the call to the tag file on through the rest of the calling page.