Bernd Stransky

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since Nov 20, 2001
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Recent posts by Bernd Stransky

Company: WebSolve, Inc.
Industry: Web + IP Performance Monitoring and Management
Location: McLean, VA and Bethesda, MD
Seeking experienced senior Java developers with at least 5 years experience
in developing large-scale standalone Java applications and Java-based Web
Skills required:
- Solid Object-Oriented Design and Development background
- Strong/current development and testing skills with Java,
J2EE, Databases/SQL, HTTP and Web protocols

Desired experience:
- Certified Java and Web Component Developer
- Web Presentation - Client side: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, DHTML, Applets
- Web Presentation - Server side: JSP, Servlets
- Web Services: XML, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL
- Web browser APIs and Web servers
- Management: JMX, SNMP, and TCP/IP protocols
- VOIP: SIP and other related protocols
- Databases: SQL and JDBC, MS SQL , MySQL, Oracle
- GUI development: AWT, Swing
- J2ME
- Basic Operating Systems knowledge (Windows, Linux, Solaris)
- Experience with open source development, source control and
debugging tools
- Experience in OOD should include design patterns and extreme programming
- Experience in both a vendor/product environment, as well as
Systems Integration/Consulting company desired.

General Attributes:
- Enjoys working in small teams, works well with others
- Discipline in good engineering practices (e.g. documentation,
unit test generation)
- Background in most phases of development (i.e., analysis
through deployment)
- Enjoys difficult challenges, a problem solver

We currently do not offer relocation benefits or Visa sponsorship.
If interested, please send your resume to
20 years ago
I am looking for a way to load a web page in Java and listen to specific events during the page rendering process.
For example: start of page load, finish of page load, start/stop of each embedded image or css/javascript include. I am writing a web latency application that tests and measures web site reponse time, including the info for each embedded object inside the page.
A open source or commercial browser implementation would be fine, as long as I can listen to events (like the ones above) during the rendering process.
The basic question I try to answer is: how fast did a web site load, and how long did each embeded object take.
IBM has a nice tool called 'page detailer' which shows that, I just need to be able to access this from Java.
Any info would be appreciated,
20 years ago
I am looking for an easy way to send emails via smtp and with authentication.
I have used the classes from the J2SE JDK so far, which do not have authentication.
I looked at JavaMail, but my understanding is that this is part of J2EE. I just don't want to install the complete J2EE and only use a little piece of it. Also, when I bundle JavaMail with my application, could I just ship 1-2 jar files out of the J2EE?
or are their any other free java applications available to do that?
21 years ago
I have a String variable that is supposed to only have certain values, e.g.
I can certain check in my method if the String parameter passed by the object caller has one of these values.
Question: How can I enforce that the caller only can set the value to one of the required ones?
Any info is appreciated,
21 years ago
is there any way to implement a ICMP Echo/PING request based on Java?
or is that only possible with some platform specific code?
Company: Websolve
Industry: Web Performance Monitoring
Location: Bethesda, Maryland
Immediate need for an experienced Java / Servlet / EJB / Web Applications Developer.
We�re seeking enthusiastic individuals with a firm commitment to task and proven problem-solving skills.
Must have a track record of implementing JAVA based WEB applications using JSP, Servlets, EJB�s, J2EE Application Server.
Must have experience with QA, testing, profiling and debugging.
Desired experience:
- WebServices, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL
- IT monitoring
If interested, send your resume to
Thank you.
21 years ago
I use an applet based application on X Windows (Linux). There are drop down lists with predefined areas that are almost not readable because the foreground (text) color and the background color are both pretty much black. it works fine on displaying the applet on MS WIndows.
Question: Is this a JRE or X WIndows problem?
Any ideas how to fix that?
21 years ago
Where can I find good info about RMI, IIOP and RMI/IIOP? I would like to know how they work, differ and why do we have these three protocols around in the EJB world.
Any info and links would be appreciated.
I played with the Weblogic 7 Admin console. The docu says it is all based on MBeans/JMX. I am a little bit familiar with this technology.
Question: Where can I find docu about which MBeans are available and how can I access them via Java and outside from Weblogic?
I need to create a little tool that discovers and monitors MBeans in Weblogic via JMX.
Any help, pointers or links are highly appreciated.
21 years ago
try the following code:
InetAddress inet = InetAddress.getByName(""); // IP @ in question
System.out.println ("Host: " + inet.getHostName());

Hope this helps,
21 years ago
I use JavaBeans to hold entities like a person, address, item etc. The Bean knows how to store, manipulate this data - it does not know anything about HTML or how to present this data in any way (the model in MVC terms).

Tags act as a proxy between some entity which holds data and how to present it to the user.
I use tags to keep my JSP clean from Java code (scriptlets), create the presentation layer with hopefully clean and short tag code, access beans (the model data) from tags.

1. Easy to incorporate existing JavaBeans
I assume they mean that someone who is not familiar with Java (like a Web designer) can use JavaBeans without knowing too much about Java with the standard built in action elements jsp:useBean, jsp:setProperty and jsp:getProperty.
2. Invisible generated servlet code can be confusing
If you run into translation, compile or runtime errors, it might be difficult to debug your JSP code, because error messages you get refer to the generated servlet code. You have to look at the generated code as well to find out what is wrong, i.e. you need to understand Java.
Hope this helps,
A) JSP expression add some data to the output stream.
XML style:
<jsp:expression> other </jsp:expression>
JSP style:
<%= other %>
-> adds the value of variable other to output stream.

B) Request time attribute expressions allow to pass dynamic values to actions like jsp:include, beans or custom tags.
XML style: "%= other %"
example: <jsp:include page="%= pageURL %" />
JSP style: "<%= other %>"
example: <jsp:include page="<%= pageURL %>" />
-> passes the value of variable other ot include action.

So JSP style uses <%= ... %> in both cases.
Hope this helps,
Just looking at GET and POST:
- both are used to request data from a web server. this data might be static html pages, dynamically generated html, images. In additional, a request might initiate additional actions at the server.
- The response back looks the same for GET and POST.
They differ in the way they send a request to the web server:
- both send the URL (the resource requested) the same way
- GET sends additional parameters of a request by appending these parameters to the request URL - this is visible to the user and has a certain size limit.
- POST on the other hand sends additional parameters as part of the so called request body. This is not visible to the end user (except someone uses a sniffer) and has no size limitation.
Looking at your first question:
1. Which of the following tasks should not be performend by using a GET request?
A. Updating a Database
-> Might be large amount of data: POST
B. Retrieving an Image
-> Can be done both by POST or GET, no difference in the response.
C. Accessing a Website
-> Can be done both by POST or GET
D. Sending Credit card information
-> sensible info, should be hidden inside the HTTP request, not visible to user: POST

Second question:
2. Which of the following is not a valid option for a GET request?
A. To get a file or image
-> Both POST and GET can retrieve resources of type file (assuming html or it needs to make sense somehow for the browser) and images. The contents type defines (text/gif etc) what type of resource is being sent back.
B. To get results from a compilation
-> This refers to dynmaic generated HTML code (JSP, servlet), for the GET request, how the response data was created is of no importance - as long as client and server stick to the HTTP protocol.
C. To get information from another hardware device
-> I was a bit sceptic about this one. But well I guess as long as the device has an IP address, HTTP server and speak HTTP protocol - GET does not care. A bit tricky though.
D. To get output from another program running on the server
-> Again, how, from where the response comes from does not bother GET.
E. None of the above.
-> so this is it.

Hope this helps,