Daniel Kern

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since Jul 20, 2010
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Recent posts by Daniel Kern

Hi all,

I managed to succeed the certification last May on the 1rst try. I'm quite happy with not only the result but also thing I've archived in doing this certification.
I'm sorry for my late feedback, for not answering some PMs ... because very often I feel difficult to share something. I'm afraid of violating certification rules, so I'll try to avoid concrete things.

Making assumptions, well I also followed advises I found in this forum, should come first. There can be no limit if these assumptions don't make you resolve an easier problem and if you give reasons in making them (like any other decisions in the project ...). You know, without assumptions (at least in this assignment), you cannot see clearly thing you have to resolve.

One more point is about use cases. They are very important and everyone (architects, developers, ..) must respect because they describe how end users work with our final system.

Hope this can help, though just a little.

Hi Martin Kunz,

Thank you for your information. (It will really be great if I can take part of this scea bootcamp, especially it's just before Christmas time in one of the most beautiful capitals)

Daniel Kern.
Hi all,

I'm looking for a SCEA training course in Europe or in USA. Searching with google, I've found a lot but I don't know which one is good.
If you have any experience, could you suggest me some. Thanks,

Daniel Kern.
Hi all,

Here is one of the definitions I've found on google : "A system in which buyers enter competitive bids and sellers enter competitive offers simultaneously, as opposed to the over-the-counter market, where trades are negotiated. " (http://www.investorwords.com/323/auction_market.html)

If it is as described (I think a system like that must provide searching, bidding, ...) then well there aren't many things left to do, no

What do you think? Could someone give me some advices?

Thank you in advance,

Daniel Kern.