Kr Manish

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since Jul 30, 2010
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Recent posts by Kr Manish

Don't resort to showing fake experiences. You might have to start with just 1 year of experience, and compromise with the package, but if you are good enough you would rise fast. ATB
13 years ago
Forget about the company ! Why do you even need that 20 days experience anyways ? You would not have done anything substantial anyways and so the letter or this experience would not be of any weight anyways . Focus on the next one.
13 years ago
With a current 3.65lpa you can expect 5 to be decent for 2+ but it also can be more depending on the company
13 years ago

jaganap kumar wrote:I dont need the salary, reliving letter nor anythng from them, I even didnt provide any original docs. I gave
only xerox docs.I only need a fair exit from them.Please help me out in this what needs to be done

Like I said & will repeat: For fair exit you HAVE to get a relieving letter from them. If not then forget fair exit.
Since you have worked only a month, and in this situation you don't have any choice but stop going there. It is not completely ethical, but there is only that much you can do.
And again, I do not think there would be something like being blacklisted, it does not happen as far as my knowledge.
You have not given any documents etc nor you want a relieving letter so you have not much dependency on them.
Chill. You should join the next company.
13 years ago
I think currently there is a HUGE demand in Indian market for Android. I get 5times more emails for Android experience than any other skillset.
13 years ago
Then your next company cannot wait for 7 more days !!! ??? Try talking to them !
13 years ago
@Jeanne: Backlog is when you fail a subject and have to clear that in the next semester.
@OP: I think instead of worrying about this you should focus on clearing them. Personally I do not think they would be cross checking once they have selected you. If you are all clear while joining, that should be it. ATB
13 years ago
Market is really good now, you will get one soon. Do not worry, keep trying. ATB
13 years ago