Unnsse Khan wrote:Hello there,
Having trouble running tomcat on Ubuntu Linux 7.0.4.
I installed tomcat under:
Created the CATALINA_HOME system environmental variable inside my .profile directory.
When I try to run TOMCAT, this is what I get:
This file (catalina.sh) is obviously located in the right directory...
When I try to run this file, this is what I get:
My CLASSPATH is set as:
What am I possibly doing wrong?
Happy programming,
Rob Spoor wrote:You can import one; that already decreases your problem by half.
Ankit Garg wrote:The wrong options G and H have been reported many times before like here and here. Option F won't work as class MusicPlayer is in a package, so you have to use the fully qualified name of the class i.e. player.MusicPlayer and for that the classpath must be set to the parent directory of player directory...
Which are true about java regex
The '.' metacharacter searches for alphabetic characters
Given that the MusicPlayer project is on a UNIX system and consists of the following files:
Inside mp.jar the structure is:
you are currently in directory
and CLASSPATH is set to /mp/jars
What command(s) can you use to invoke the player.MusicPlayer class (Choose all the apply) ?
Rikesh Desai wrote:
Rikesh Desai wrote: Vehicle a = new Car(); //Line 11
Colorable i = (Colorable) a; //Line12
Line 11 is creating a reference of Vehicle and an object of Car.
Why Line 12 is not throwing a ClassCastException - as the reference of the object is of type Vehicle which is NOT implementing the interface?
I am still confused!
Wouter Oet wrote:
No it still calls the methods in Dog and not in Animal (except for static methods).mohitkumar gupta wrote:
It allows to call methods of Animal not defined in Dog and
Methods overriden by Dog.
See Furst wrote:
Bert Bates wrote:Well the Calendar methods you mentioned are in the book. And as far as the others go, when mock exam writers make their mocks they often include methods that they're not sure are in the real exam, just to be safe. The end result is that a lot of mock exams test you on topics that aren't in the actual exam.
I think that if you ask on this forum other ranchers can tell you which mocks most closely follow the real exam.
Enum's ordinal() function is not explained or even mentioned anywhere AFAIK, however it's on the Learn Key's Master Exam practice suite which I believe are to be exam questions, no? It's funny; I read this post and then just five minutes later a question with this function came up.
I also noticed that some of the practice tests have mistakes. I emailed a few to McGraw Hill for you to review..
I'll just mention them briefly: one piece of code in an answer for the self test has getBidValue instead of getValue so when you compile, it fails, the answer is not compilation fails
Another has the answer printed wrong.
Your book is helpful indeed but, I don't trust it as a study guide.. Every time I get an answer wrong I have to think about whether it's really me getting it wrong or the book just being wrong..
Most of the time, of course, it's me, however, keep in mind, there are mistakes in this book.
Bert Bates wrote:Well the Calendar methods you mentioned are in the book. And as far as the others go, when mock exam writers make their mocks they often include methods that they're not sure are in the real exam, just to be safe. The end result is that a lot of mock exams test you on topics that aren't in the actual exam.
I think that if you ask on this forum other ranchers can tell you which mocks most closely follow the real exam.
Given that CharSequence is an interface implemented by String and StringBuilder which of the following can be inserted at insert here to compile and run without error
David Newton wrote:
See Furst wrote:If you have a solid grounding in OOD
Both Scala and Jython are OO, and moreso than Java. Scala's syntax and type system are more complex than Java--moving to Scala is *substantially* more difficult for a C/C++ programmer. *Substantially*. That's why Java's syntax is what it is--to make moving from C++ *easier*.
[...] more functional languages including C
You must mean procedural, because C is not a functional language by any definition I'm aware of.
You forget that perl was once the glue of the internet
No, I actually don't.
Most people who dis Perl are usually people who never used it or don't really understand it.
I believe that was mostly due to floundering when it came to perl 6...
No, Perl 6's issues weren't why people (largely) moved to other solutions--it was because people liked the other solutions better than Perl for this purpose.
I have, you just didn't like how it tasted and to that I say "you and your horse!"
No, I just think you're wrong. Rants have to have content. Mostly you said "Java is bloated" and "Perl is cheap". Not part of a discussion about languages, and doesn't really bring anything interesting to the table.
Java isn't particularly hard to learn, and relative to Perl, I'd think it debatable which is easier, depending on the problem space.
Ew. Perl is *far* from perfect for a web back end, and as a language, leaves much to be desired. It has its place, but IMO that isn't it. Now, if you want to discuss things like HOP, we can begin having a reasonable discussion about Perl--
Depends on your needs, doesn't it? A lot of stuff I've worked on would be really difficult in other environments. (*Really* difficult.) Now that JVM languages are catching up speed-wise I can use way better languages, but the environment itself... tough to beat.
otherwise you haven't brought much to the table here.