Kishore Kumar Reddy

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since Aug 18, 2010
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I am new to struts framework. I am expermenting with some basic examples on struts.

Here I had an error " Missing configuration resource for path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml" when I tried to run the application.

I kept struts-config.xml under WEB-INF and there itself web.xml.

I configured struts-config.xml in web.xml,

Please suggest where the change is required.

14 years ago

I am new to Cognos SDK. I didn't work earlier on this.

Can any one provide valuable suggestions on getting start Cognos SDK?

14 years ago

I would like to read an XML document and write into a CSV file.

How I can write CSV file from XML document.
How data can be shared between different web-applications?

For this, I felt a solution.That is data(for example,userID) sent to another web-app, append this data value as query string while redirecting to anothe web-app.


In recepient.jsp, use request.getParameter("userID").

Is it the right solution?
Are there any better solution?
14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:Please read ⇒ TellTheDetails

For example, one really important fact you left out is how you are formatting the URL.

<% response.sendRedirect("/Sccui/display.jsp"); %>

//valuein the session is put in the one.jsp and trying to access this value from three.jsp when redirect happens from two.jsp using following code snippet
<% session.getValue("userID");%>
14 years ago

I am redirecting a jsp page to another jsp(is in another web application but both are in same web server).
While rediecting, I attached a value(it is encrypted) as query string.
On the other side, I am retrieving the encrypted value using request.getParameter().
But, it is getting as NULL.

Can anyone suggest?

14 years ago

I have a jsp(say,one.jsp) and it requests another jsp(say,two.jsp).From here, it is redirected to another jsp(say,three.jsp and this is in another web application.) one.jsp and two.jsp both are in another web application. and all together are in same web server(Tomcat).

The problem is, I inserted a value in session object in one.jsp. I am trying to retrieve this value from three.jsp.I am unable to get this value.

How can I get this value.
14 years ago