Michal Borek

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since Aug 29, 2010
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David Newton wrote:I would have assumed that you'd need to manage that jar's dependencies just like any other Maven artifact--with a pom. Not entirely sure what you're doing, though--if you're compiling, I'd be almost certain that Maven controlled the compilation classpath.

I have a tool which is packaged as .jar . This tool has its own dependencies included in this jar but it's not managed by maven.

I want to use this tool in my project which is managed by Maven.
I installed manually this .jar file into my local repository and added a dependency to project I'm developing.

It looks like maven changed classpath of this jar. I don'w know how to make this jar work just like if I run it by command line.
14 years ago
I've got a problem with dependencies of jar imported to local repository.

1. I have somefile.jar, in this .jar package I have another .jar files (dependencies of this jar)
2. I installed somefile.jar in local repository and included it in another project.

When I run project which uses class from somefile.jar, I've got ClassNotFound exception on all dependencies of somefile.jar.

When I use somefile.jar directly (from command line) everything's fine.

It looks like Maven is not able to read dependencies from Manifest file of somefile.jar

Could you please help to fix it?

What should I do to make Maven read .jar's manifest and load dependencies of somefile.jar ?
14 years ago