sai pabb

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since Sep 01, 2010
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Recent posts by sai pabb

Servlet is getting a input stream from an applet. at the while(line >0) I'm getting exception as timeout.
See below for servlet code.

See below for the applet code which sends the byteArray.

What is the fix to remove the timeout?
13 years ago

I have ImageIcon object on the client, Hw do i send it as a parameter to the servlet? I'm able to send string parameters as GET method, but not able to figure sending byteArray to the server.
13 years ago
Yeah.. the password was wrong. I had to recollect it to get rid of it.
13 years ago
Awesome.!! thanks a lot!! worked like a charm!
13 years ago
When I try to sign a new applet with the following command I get the exception

>keytool -genkey -keyalg rsa -alias tstkey
Enter keystore password:******
keytool error: Keystore was tampered with, or password was

What could be the problem?
13 years ago

I'm calling srvlet from an applet using the following code. I've kept a debugger on the srvlet which is expecting the call. When the call is fired, no call came to the server. When I ran the same through the normal browser it is working. Should I run the applet from the browser to make a server call? or can I run the applet by clickin on the run button in the eclipse and make a server call from here?

13 years ago

I'm new to Java images/IO. I've an api which gives me Image object, All I need to do is save the Image onto the server. So, Applet gets an image from the sanner api, the api returns Image object. I need to serialize this and send this to the servlets. Now the servlet has to save this onto the filesystem. Could you help me through this process?
13 years ago
Thanks a lot guyz!!! You definitely cleared my doubt!!
13 years ago
Hello Forum,

I've done java programming before. But, I'm not sure if i can call a scanner(or any other programme which is outside the tomcat and in the same system) which is attached to the server from the Tomcatserver Java Spring application. I have the API which can take care of calling the scanner. But, can it be done is the question?

if not what can be done?
13 years ago