Gaurav Sagar

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since Sep 08, 2010
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Recent posts by Gaurav Sagar

kurt hanni wrote:you can see previous certifications in, you have to register a new account and your peasonvue ID

just follow this

Thanks for the help Kurt. I just had to create a certview account, that's it.

13 years ago
I migrated my Prometric account to the Pearson VUE Web Account for the Oracle Certification Program on Jun 28. Though, the account did migrated, I am unable to view my former certification exam history, even though I followed the exact instructions sent to me by email from oracle.

I am a Sun Certified Programmer for the JAVA PLATFORM, SE 6 and a Oracle certified professional, Java EE Web Component Developer. I don't see these certifications in the VIEW HISTORY tab, in my account (Pearson VUE one) and if I try to log into the former prometric account, it says forbidden access.

What to do now? Does anybody know how to sort out this problem, or is anyone else facing this problem too?

13 years ago

Sagar Shroff wrote:

Why is the specification of current directory a necessary???

When you specify a classpath, it overrides the current classpath (this even includes the one you might have set using an environmental variable as in Windows), so you explicitly need to specify the classpath of the class that you want to run, which in the question above was the current directory.

Hope you got the point, Sagar.

All the answers are wrong. It should be:-

javac -classpath MyJar.jar
java -classpath MyJar.jar;. GetJar

One more is using the bitwise exclusive OR operation:-


13 years ago
One of the possible solutions:-

13 years ago
A RequestDispatcher is only for in the intra application communication and would not work for things outside the web application. The only thing you may do is to use the GET request for the inter communication between the two web applications.

13 years ago

Jack Sloan wrote: In my return statement how can I return all of the values in a nice table format?


I think you want to display the values in a formatted way rather than return the array to some other method for further processing. In that case, you may use use GUI, swing and all, or if it is a text file, you may probably use the String formatting features of java.

Gaurav Sagar
13 years ago
There are situations where you have to create new exceptions specific to your application. In those cases, you simply extend the Exception class and create your custom exception. Furthermore, you may find a situation where your application could crash due to some known reason, in that case you could throw an exception that encapsulates that problem and handle it.

Gaurav Sagar
13 years ago
A main class cannot be declared pirvate, only a nested class i.e. a class within a class can be declared as private.

13 years ago
You can use a table to display these values in a tabular fashion, but using JSP instead of servlet for HTML would be the best way.

Gaurav Sagar
13 years ago
Go for Windows 7, since all the latest version of software would be as per the new version of OS i.e. Windows 7. Further XP has some security loopholes and is more vulnerable and most of all Microsoft has either removed the support for XP or would remove it soon.

13 years ago
The bowling part of India is really awful to watch. They really need to concentrate on this part. If we talk of the India - England match and the recent match of Ireland - England, the issue is well projected. But whatever may happen, in the end, I want India to win the cup

So all you hardcore Indian supporters, put your hands up and enjoy

13 years ago

gaurav gupta sitm wrote:widening followed by boxing not allowed

The thumb rule states that, "Autoboxing occurs strictly between the primitive datatype and its wrapper class only", not to be confused with widening and casting.
In the above code, line 1 would compile only if you explicitly cast the float to a double.
